Waking up together

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A/N: This wasn't what I planned to write right now but I guess that I'm in the mood for this lol, anyways thank you for reading my story and I hope you have a very nice day.




Tony Stark (Iron Man):

 Since usually he goes to bed way later than you, you almost always wake up first. He is adorable when he sleeps:  Tony's black hair is a complete mess, and both of his hands on your ass, sometimes drifting to your hips and back again. "Baby, it's time to wake up," you whisper, placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth. He turns and makes some sort of weird muffled noise into his pillow, followed by a grunting sound, "Five more minutes, sexy."  

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

 He is always the first one to wake up, just like birds. Clint would just watch you while his face was only inches removed from yours, he loved to see you asleep because it was so cute how you were tangled in his arms and legs, in the mornings he could think about things with a clear head. As soon as you stirred he knew you would open your (eyecolor) eyes soon so he got even closer, he wanted to be the first thing you saw when you woke up and it worked every day.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

"The sun is out, the sky is blue, it's beautiful, and so are you! Time to get up darling!" Steve sings falsely, almost jumping  out of bed. You open your eyes slowly and stretch your body a little bit before snuggling yourself into Steve's arms once again with your head resting on his shoulder, he lets out a chuckle before he wraps his arms around you tightly. Eventually you get up after Steve pressing a lingering kiss to your lips.

Thor Odinson (Thor):

Most of all the time his long limbs make staying asleep hard, but somehow you both always manage to wake up in sync, side by side, arms and legs connected like wires. His and your eyelids slowly fluttering open at the same exact moment. You smile at each other as he reaches his hand over to play with your messy hair. There was at least another hour of staying in bed together, mostly cuddling and talking to each other.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

 Your loud alarm buzzes for what seems to be like hundreds of hours before Bruce finally presses the 'off' button. "Morning sweetheart, it's time to get up, it's a nice day today!" Bruce says, gently running his hand along your bare arm. "No," you groan, pulling the blanket over your head and praying that he doesn't force you up. Instead, he climbs onto of you, tickling your sides and making you giggle or cry because it tickles until you finally throw yourself out of bed.  

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

You and Bucky can never start out sleeping right next to eachother because you both squirm alot, also he will sometimes get nightmares and is afraid to hurt you in his sleep.  But no matter how far away you begin, the night seems to almost push you together, closer and closer. This usually leads to very uncomfortable and weird positions. Every morning you wake up to Bucky slowly tracing up and down your spine, he smiles shyly when you open your eyes and that usually ends in a cuddle session because you love his smile

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):  

You start at your side and he starts at his side of the bed, like it's supposed to be.  Most of the time, Pietro takes you from your side of the bed towards his side, there's not much space with both on one side but it works. One hand rests on your thigh, while the other slides around your waist. He breathes softly into your neck or lets his lips linger there until he feels you shift, even the slightest bit. He kisses your collarbone softly and murmurs, "Morning princess."

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