Your children

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A/N: this is so short but I don't really have time and my ears are hurting. Anyways thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy your day.

SORRY FOR ALL YOUR CHILDREN THAT YOU WILL GET WITH THOR!!!!!!! Blame my 5 year old nephew for that



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

Boy: Anthony Edward Stark Jr.

Girl: Alice Elyssa Stark

Anthony and Alice are two adorable kids, Anthony is interested in science while Alice likes to figure everything out. Both of them look like Tony, only Alice has a twinkle of your eye color. Tony is a better dad than he thought he would be even though both of your kids were unplanned. There is a big age gap between the two of them, when Anthony was 11 you broke the news to him that there would be a little sister to give him some company.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

Girl: Maci Evangeline Barton

Boy: Levi Quinten Barton

Girl: Ellie Mackenzie Barton

Maci, Levi and Ellie are pretty calm kids. All three of them are very well behaved and prefer to stay home all day long. They are a mix of you and Clint. All three of them are almost as good as archery as Clint was in the beginning. Maci (the oldest) is only 4 years away from Ellie (the youngest) so there isn't that much of an age gap between them. They always play together and are even best friends, at school they always are together and stick up for each other.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

Boy: James Emmanuel Rogers

Girl: Brooklyn Peggy Rogers

James and Brooklyn, the loyal kids of the loyal Steve Rogers. Both of them have those sweet eyes and that sandy blonde hair like Steve, Brooklyn has more of your personality but James is his father with a hint of his Godfather Bucky. They were named after Bucky and your little girl after the city where Steve was from and Peggy Carter. The age gap between the both of them is 4 years but that just makes James even more protective of his little sister

Thor Odinson (Thor):

Boy: Alexzander Leandro Thorson = Alex (twins)

Boy: Alasdair Alessandro Thorson = Dair (twins)

Boy: Emilliano Dereon Thorson = Milano

Boy: Maximilliandre Zacheriah Thorson = Maxime

Girl: Ayanna Imogen Thordottir

It was busy in your household with 6 kids to take care of, Alexzander, Demarion, Emilliano, Maximilliandre, Ayanna and Thor himself but it was nothing that you couldn't handle. They all had their personality, Alexzander was a troublemaker unlike his twin brother Demarion and Emilliano always wanted to play outside while your little girl cuddled with her daddy like the daddy's girl she was. Thor said that he didn't want his little girl to have a short name. The age gap between the oldest (Alexzander) and the youngest (Ayanna) was 6 years. All 5 of them are 'worthy'

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

Girl: Bridget Anabelle Banner

Bridget was a good kid, she always listened and never actually misbehaved until Tony's son Anthony convinced her to pull a prank on her dad. Happily for the little girl, Bruce could laugh with it but for the rest she was looking in books most of the time. She didn't mind that she didn't have any siblings because she alone wanted cuddles.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

Girl: Lilia Winter Barnes

Boy: Steven Reece Barnes

Boy: Buchanan Elian Barnes

The Barnes household was the one that you could never say what they were doing, one day they would be silent and te other day the house would be one big mess. Brown hair, blue/green eyes were all three times staring back at you and a personality of braveness but a little bit like Bucky used to be. Bucky was a caring dad that wanted kids to have freedom, he always thought about his life with Hydra and he didn't want his kids to have that. The household wasn't complete though, in between Steven and Buchanan was a little girl but you lost that at 7 months and Bucky took the news much harder. You learned to live with the loss and even told the kids about it. The Age gap between Lilia and Buchanan was 5 years.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

Boy: Silver Pietro Maximoff

Girl: Darcy Wanda Maximoff

Little Pietro and Wanda Maximoff as everyone would like to call them, it looked much as if they were little again. Dash Maximoff was a sweet kid that was sneaky in any way possible, white hair and electric blue eyes with super speed attached to it. Darcy Maximoff knew what was bad and what was good, she had brown hair but with the same blue eyes as her brother and dad as she had also the speed of the rest of her family. The kids would chase Pietro and the other way around, he was a good dad for them. Their age wasn't even that much difference, 3 months after Dash was there you discovered you were pregnant again.

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