Before bed

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A/N: Listen this is gonna be a small rant but I am really starting to get annoyed. Everyone is stealing my lists without asking and it's annoying, especially when you don't ask me. Only one person came to ask me if she could post it as well and then the rest just did it like that and I hate it, I really do because I spend loads of time on them. So if you read this, please ask before posting. Thank you.

Thanks for being #124 in fanfiction

That was all, please leave ideas for preferences/lists that you still want to see in my book


Tony Stark (Iron Man)

- Hours of convincing him to go to bed

- Him helping you undress

- Talking in bed

- A make out session

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

- Taking a warm bath together

- Talking about the day

- Tickle fights until you get tired

- Helping Clint with the memory book you both made

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

- Shy smiles because you saw each other naked

- Reading in bed

- Turning your phones off so no one can disturb

- Cuddles

Thor Odinson (Thor)

- Watching tv shows

- Eating poptarts

- Him begging for you to buy a pet; "no we are not getting a horse, Thor"

- Running your hands through each other's hair until you fall asleep

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

- Showering together

- Sitting in his lap

- Staring in each other's eyes

- "You say goodnight first, no you.... wait I just said goodnight in that sentence"

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

- Stargazing

- Swaying the both of you back and forth until you fall asleep

- "I'll be here in the morning Buck, close your eyes and have sweet dreams"

- Him wanting a late night snack

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

- "You need to rest beautiful"

- Taking his shirt before bed

- Putting your kids to bed

- Shoulder kisses

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