Note he leaves you

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A/N: once again short but I feel like you don't like it anymore so I kind of don't know if I will continue writing this story or not. 

This one sucks, enjoy


Tony Stark (Iron Man):

'Good morning gorgeous,

I know that you don't like waking up alone but I'm not far away, I'm in my lab where we can have breakfast together if you want to.  

Hope you had nice dreams, heard you talking about me in your sleep a few hours ago, you were talking about me and how sexy I looked and all. Thanks for the compliments about my sexiness.

see you in a few hours.

x Your sexy boyfriend'

Clint Barton (hawkeye):

Hi Y/N,

You were asleep when I realized that there was nothing eatable in the fridge so I went for a morning walk and in the meanwhile I can bring you some of your favorite things for breakfast.

You looked so cute when you were asleep so lay in bed again and pretend to be asleep so that I can come back to you sleeping again. Anyways I ill be back soon for breakfast in bed.

Love from Clint!

Steve Rogers (Catpain America):

My dearest Y/N,

Hopefully you found this letter underneath your pillow, if you didn't then I will call you to tell you where you can find it. Although that's not possible since you wouldn't be reading this is you didn't find the letter.

Fury told me that I had to go on a mission this morning so if you don't see me near you then you know now that I had to leave for the mission, I will be fine so don't worry and please don't watch the news or read any articles about me or what is happening to the world. I wouldn't want you to worry.

I'm coming back for you soon,

Love, Steve

Thor Odinson 

To: Lady Y/N

Hello Lady Y/N

I was quite comfortable in our bed but when the alarm clock told me that it was time to go to training, I had to leave you asleep again. 

I did not want to wake you because you were looking very cute when you are asleep in my arms so I decided to let you sleep in for once. You probably heard me get up, I am sorry and I will try to be even more quiet next time.

I will see you in a few hours my lady.

Thor, son of Odin and the Asgardian god of thunder. Protector of Midgard and a friend of Earth. And Lady Y/N's boyfriend 

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

Good morning love,

Do you remember the mission I had to leave for in a few days, well now Fury told us that we had to leave to the destination today so I wanted to leave this note, maybe it makes a short goodbye easier for the both of us.

I will be back for you in a few weeks, in the meanwhile I will send you texts or call you whenever I can and whenever the rest will let me be myself for a while.

I left some of your favorite candy in the kitchen. 

Hugs, Bruce

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

Hello printsessa,

Before I left for the mission I had the idea of leaving you small notes on the places in the tower where you come the most. 

Like this one, I knew that you would sneak into our room and open my secret stash of candy so that you can eat it and replace it with new candy later on. 

You got caught princess, but I hope that you like the candy and think of me also because all I can think of is coming back to you and cuddle and run around everywhere with you. I want to hear your voice again.

I'll see you in 9 days my love,

Kisses from your oh so sexy and fast boyfriend. PIETRO

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

Good evening my Angel.

I hope that you like the dress I picked out for you to go on our date tonight, also I bought the shoes that you wanted for so long so you can wear them tonight.

I can't wait for our date tonight, you'll be surprised when you see where I am taking you but I'm not telling you yet, it's my secret (No Steve won't tell you either!!).

Have a nice day today Angel, I am at training if you really need me or in case of emergency.

See you tonight,

So much love, xxxxxxx Bucky

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