Pick-up lines

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A/N: First of all thank you so so so so much for reading this book, it might not be really good but I'm very proud that I'm the owner of this book. Anyways I hope that you still like reading this, also have a very nice day! Long time since I've written but I'm trying to get it up again



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

"Are you butt dialing? Because I swear your ass is calling me"

Tony knowingly said this whenever he wanted to but the funny thing is that you really butt dialed him when you were talking to Natasha about your ass, it sounds weird but it was just some random girl talk and seems as if Tony had heard what the both of you were saying. A few hours later you met Tony in his lab and then he used his self made pick up line on you, at first you had no idea what was happening until Tony explained how he made the bad sentence up.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

"You wanna know what's the best thing in my life? The first word of this sentence!"

When he told you that it was the cutest thing he said according to you, you were making "awee" sounds while you kept on kissing his cheek because it was really sweet of him to say that. He had to laugh because of your reaction though, you didn't get what he wanted to say at first so you looked as confused as ever by the words until you repeated the words inside your head and thought about the first word in the sentence, only then you began screaming out happily.

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

"Do you mind if I walk you home? My mother always told me to follow my dreams"

It was on your second date when he first got the best of his pick-up lines and use one of them on you, he didn't think it would work out but the first date made him realize that you weren't one of the other girls that Natasha tried to set him up with. It wasn't only a pick up line but he actually wanted to walk you home from the park just to make sure you were safe and to spend some extra time with you since your house was a little bit far away from the park you went to.

Thor Odinson (Thor)

"You must be a keyboard because you are just my type"

He heard Clint say it to someone else so why wouldn't he try and use it on you, he didn't know what this keyboard thing was but he liked the sound of the sentence and you would probably find him the cutest guy on earth. You were on your laptop and your keyboard wasn't working so when you complained Thor got confused because he heard the words he was going to use in his sentence but he said it anyways only in the version of "you must be typing because you are a keyboard"

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

"Kiss me if I'm wrong but dinosaurs still exist right?"

Google helped him to find it, he had searched for hours and hours for something that he liked until he came acrross that one. He thought it was perfect and he replied it in his head for hours, saving it for when the both of you could be alone for a little while. After dinner he took you to your shared bedroom and after pacing back and forth he finally remembered the pick up line and made you laugh at how cute he actually was.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

"Nice pants, Can I test the zipper?"

That kid really had a dirty mind when he saw you wearing those jeans, your ass was perfectly and he couldn't look away from your legs and your thighs.  At first he wanted to go for something really dirty but quickly recovered when he saw everyone else in the room, he asked you if he could test the zipper and he really tested it by pulling it up and down again. That was until you went to the bedroom to change from your pants into no clothes.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

"I'm no organ donor but I wouldn't mind giving you my heart"

It was the first time that he didn't take it serious although when he was thinking about it alone he thought that he really would have to give you his heart, you entered the room and heard him saying the line out loud. He smiled sweetly when he noticed you entered the room and said it again but with something scared in his voice. Afterwards he asked you if you really needed his heart because he would die then, you held back your laughter and cuddled your Bucky

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