He dreams about you

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A/N: Okay I decided that I'm making a short catch up for Wanda and Natasha so that can take a while but I'll try my hardest to do it soon. This idea suddenly popped up in my mind when I heard Starry Eyed by Ellie Goulding. Have a nice day!



Tony Stark (Iron Man)

It wasn't a nice dream that he had, part of it were nice but the actual end of it wasn't what he wanted to dream about again. He was working in his lab and thought that you were in the living room, playing with your 3 year old son Anthony. After a few hours he wanted to take a break and went to the living room just to see that no one was there anymore, he searched through the entire house for you and your son but there was no sign. Finally he found a note from you that said that you left him, you couldn't handle him working anymore. The dream ended with him in tears, in real life and in his dream.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

It took hours for Clint Barton to fall asleep because he was so nervous and the feeling of laying alone in the big bed was something he had to get used to again but finally he fell into that light slumber and that's how he ended up in the greatest dream ever. He was dreaming of the day that would be there when he woke up, you were walking down the aisle in your wedding dress while Clint was standing in front of the alter in his suit. The smile on your face made him fall in love with you even more, tears slipping down his cheeks when you said "I do" and the kiss in his dream, was something he had to wait for because his alarm went off.

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

Steve walked into the house in his dreams, the house that he shared with you since a few months. He expected to see you cooking or watching television but instead there was another girl sitting at the dinner table and the both of you were deep in conversation, he could hear his name being said multiple times. He started to recognize the voice of the other woman, Sharon was sitting next to you with a cup of coffee in front of her. Then all of sudden you two started to fight and Sharon told him to choose bewteen you or her. No doubt that Steve would choose for you but in his dream Sharon was doing something to him, she showed him the gun behind her back. In the end Sharon killed you and only a week after Steve died because he wasn't foccused on the mission.

Thor Odinson (Thor)

He was curled up in bed, you in his arms and he was stroking your hair slowly and that's how he started dreaming about Asgard, you, Loki and Frigga. In his dreams, you were sitting next to Frigga as someone was doing your hair and choosing out a long dress for you, some other girls were bringing you and Frigga a tray with grapes and wine. Thor smiled and came closer to you, slowly taking step by step until he saw the colors green and gold in your dress, normally that would have been silver and red. But before he could reach you, Loki was standing in front of you and bending down to your level. Your smile that you flashes Loki was loving and he pressed his lips to yours in a short kiss. Happily he woke up and saw you next to him.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

He was on a mission and finally got the chance to sleep for an hour or 3 so that's how he ended up dreaming. It all started when he was in his other guy form, he was green with rage and ran around like a mad man. Iron Man was chasing him through the streets, trying to keep up with the Hulk. But he was on the way to get you back since he heard from Clint and Tony that you were kidnapped by Hydra, not long after he found you in the middle of a car, tied up to one of the seats. Calming down he got you out of the car and carried you back to the tower, through all the check ups he was there for you, when you were sleeping he was holding your hand until he woke up and saw he had a text from you with a happy message.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

It was the day of a fight, the both of you were laying in separate rooms. You were in the spare bedroom and he was laying in the master bedroom and after hours of thinking he finally fell asleep and went into his dreams. In his dream you were both fighting as well, again a fight about nothing actually important like it was most of the times. In a scene of anger you left him standing in the living room, slamming the door as hard as possible and leaving with your car. Normally time apart could be a good thing but this time he wished he said he loved you before you left because you got in a car accident, he was crying when you died in his dream. Pietro woke up, seeing you curled up next to him and tears down your cheeks, you made up that night and continued with good dreams.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

His dream was the nightmare of everyone that loved his girlfriend, he was tossing and turning so that you couldn't hold him tight because in his dream you weren't there anymore. For once his metal arm wasn't the thing that hurt you, he wasn't brain washed when it happened but it was an accident that he shot you while he was training. Blood was oozing from the wound as he ran towards you and put your head in his lap, trying to stop the bleeding and cooling down your body with his metal arm but he was life draining from you. Until the skin over your heart wasn't warm anymore, your last words were that you loved him, and he loved you too and he remembered those last words even after another brainwash. It was morning and he found you happy and healthy cooking breakfast.

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