Alike ➳ Loki

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A/N: Hello everyone, I'm having a hard day so whatever I write will probably be trash just like this one shot. I'm sorry for being a shit writer.

This was requested by Homestuck_Phoenix , I hope you like it Love and thank you for requesting.

Hope  you like it, Enjoy!


Ruby's pov.

I placed my hand over the gun in my pocket, and walked towards the sounds,  sounds had been escaping from the building for a few hours now but other people talking were only the start of what was about to happen.

I placed myself around the corner where the talking and the other sounds came from, my eyes peeking to see the group of humans. My breath stopped for a split second when I saw who was standing in the same room as me, it wasn't a dream coming true, it was a nightmare.

The Avengers.

Before I realised it, I spoke some curse word under my breath and pulled myself away from being in the same place as them but I couldn't leave my mission. Not after sitting in this left building for 3 days in a row, without food, without a partner, the only thing I had was the earpiece but no one replied to whatever I said.

Stamina wasn't what it used to be without food, it was going down but I still was able to run out of the room and up the long staircase in the empty hallway. I ran onto the first step, not expecting the sounds of the wood underneath my feet to be this loud.


I cursed to myself before quietly tiptoeing onto the next few steps, I wasn't looking up but when I reached the last step I could feel another presence in front of me. The person cleared its throat before walking further in my direction.

The person was close enough to grab my arm and yank me closer to him by gripping my wrist, my head wasn't facing my feet, it was facing the green-eyed man that was staring at me with his intense eyes. 

Suddenly everything felt heavy, I felt like there was a ball and a chain attached to my leg, pain was overflowing over my body to nowhere in particular, my arms and hands felt as if there was a pair of handcuffs squeezing my wrists until I eventually gave up sooner or later. 

My free hand was taking its time to reach the gun in my pocket, it ran over the fabric of my costume down to where my gun wasn't present anymore. But then I saw where the gun was, it was in the stranger's hands, he was playing with it until he was close to pulling the trigger.

"Give up"

I could't fight, I just gave up like that


Ruby's pov.

I woke up to the sound of the person's voice again, and although my eyes wre closed I could still remember his black hair, the green and gold clothes that he wore and those intense green eyes that somehow managed to make me weaker than ever before. The power his eyes gave away was worse than getting shot in the stomach.

My eyes expected to see the surrounding of a jail or Stark's tower but I woke up where I gave up, on the floor just in front of the last step of the staircase. I looked up at the man to see that he was smiling down at me, one of his hands was tangled in my black hair, spinning it around his index finger.

"Hello, Midgardian. I am Loki, from Asgard"

So Loki was his name and just like I expected he was Thor's adopted brother, I never saw him before but before Hydra sent me on this mission. They informed me on all the Avengers, including the now familiar Loki Laufeyson.

He saw my discomfort when I started to look around to search for the rest of his new team but he put his index finger under my chin to make me look up at him again, his eyes weren't those that I saw before, these weren't full of hate or magic, these were real and sweet eyes that were staring back at me.

"Do not worry, I made a deal with the others. We will set you on the right path."


Loki's pov.

It was a few months after we found Ruby in the left building, in search for the same thing as we were. Neither of us found what we were searching for but I found something else that became more important than anything in the world.

I think that I found love.

Ruby and I grew closer since I was leading her into the new life I wanted her to see: it all started on that day that she gave up and continued a few days later when she was healthy again. That day we went to Hydra's base and spied on a conversation about her, that's when she realized that Hydra didn't care about her.

It took a few weeks for Ruby to get used to being someone that is good, her personality didn't change but all the bad things she did were replaced by doing good things for the Avengers now. She was the bad guy in the good group. Sometimes she did something evil but that wasn't her intention and I've been like her before.

In fact, we don't have that much difference resting bewteen us, her skin color is a beautiful brown color but her green eyes and black hair were matching mine and some parts of her personality were shared as well. 


Ruby walked towards the place where I was sitting on one of the chairs in the kitchen, her smile was sweet when she sat on the chair next to me. I intertwined our fingers and rubbed the soft skin in circles.

"Good morning my Queen", I leaned in a few more inches so that I could give her a morning kiss. Once our lips locked together, I could feel her smile into the moment we were sharing.

"Good morning my king!"

Tony passed the kitchen to head to the elevator, he was pretending to puke by putting his finger close to his mouth and making the puking sound. Ruby and I started to laugh at Tony's action which made Tony roll his eyes at his turn again.

"You two are so alike.... it's disgusting"

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