How he keeps you in bed

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A/N: Hello everyone, first of all I want to thank all of you for 22.6K reads on this story. Hopefully you still like reading it.

Short once again, my apologies.



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

He's not an early bird, unless he has to do something important but it does really get quite frustrating for him when he wakes up and finds your side of the bed empty. But there are times when you wake up at your usual time in the morning, sometimes rousing him to awake. His fingers would encircle around your wrist then, pinning your hand down and encouraging you back to bed. "I don't think so", he would smugly whisper to you, hand pulling you a bit down until you finally give up.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

He wouldn't want to sleep in long but he didn't want to wake up early as well so he made a plan, he set his alarm clock 2 hours before he actually had to get up so when the alarm goes off the both of you will be awake, you would try to get up but he would press kisses to your forehead and cheek and you would get tired. You went back to bed and pretend to sleep in. Mostly after those 2 extra hours of sleep, there is no alarm clock to wake you up so you sleep in longer than expected.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

When you see his beautiful blue orbs shining in the light that comes from the small piece of uncovered window, you already start to think and doubt between staying beneath the covers and cuddle or head downstairs and get cold without Steve. "Please stay, it's cold without you" Steve will murmur as he wraps you up in his arms, the combination of the heat and cuddling with Steve is enough to make you stay in bed for a while.

Thor Odinson (Thor):

Sometimes he'd roll over in bed, pretending that he's completely unaware of his body crushing yours, trapping you to the mattress with him firmly on top of you. "Thor", you murmur to his hair, lightly tugging few straps, legs lightly shifting him, but helplessly. "Thor, seriously, I have to get up", you repeat this time louder doing your best not to laugh. But he'll just hush you with his lips, warm touch making you melt. And that's how you end up in bed and arrive way too late at work again.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

You will start to move and squirm around in bed when you can't get to sleep anymore, it isn't your intention to wake Bruce up but you can't help all the tossing and turning in the early hours of the morning. Of course Bruce will wake up and grab your wrist gently to hold you back from leaving the bed, "just 5 more minutes, please". His morning voice always makes you stay for some reason but you don't mind, as long as you're with Bruce.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

He will most likely be the one to wake up first but he would stay in bed and watch you: he always saw how peaceful you looked and that began to make him feel better about himself because he could see that you were relaxed and happy with him. When he wakes up, you will wake up as well and when you want to get out of the bed. He will wrap his metal arm around you, you don't know wh you always fall for that but you always end up falling asleep for about 2 hours.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

There is this technique he has which consists a lot of tugging and complaining and convincing, it's annoying really. "No, no, no, don't leave", he'll plead as his arms encircle your waist to pull your body flush against his. "The bed is so cold without you", he will whine again and he is determined to repeat it until you eventually give up and crawl under the covers next to him and cuddle until he decides that it is time to get up.

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