you break up (him)

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A/N: okay I'm back. I'm a bit better, my ex is starting to talk again, he asked how I was doing and said that he cared about me. I hope that my writing is still the same as before but I think that it's not as good anymore. Thanks for everyone who was worried about me.



Tony Stark (Iron Man)

- Hides in his lab

- Works all day but never makes anything work

- Tries to stop drinking to convince you to take him back

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

- Tries to do stuff around to house to focus on something else

- Looks at your pictures all day long

- Takes far walks to get away from his feelings

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

- Spends the night with Bucky, trying to get drunk

- Talks to your dog: "where's your mom? We broke up"

- Him wanting to stay home in case you come back

Thor Odinson (Thor)

- Him going to the library, finding a book about love

- Even asking Loki for advice

- Nothing that can  make him smile

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

- Smashing things

- Crying while he listens to music

- Passing your door every day, looking through the window

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

- Him following you

- Begging you to take him back

- Writing all his feelings and putting them in your mailbox

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

- Running as far as he can to forget you

- Making Wanda tell him how you are

- Trying to be in the same room as you

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