Voicemails after a fight

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A/N: Okay so I'm still not over my 153K by now so thank you again, I got 3K overnight and that's fucking amazing. I know this book isn't famous but I love all of you so much and I really feel so special. I wanna hug you all, anyways have a nice day.



Tony Stark (Iron Man)

"Hey baby girl, I know that what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have stayed in my lab all day and all night long, go home and then complain that you ate dinner without me. You probably went to sleep too, you said you didn't want to see me so I stayed in the tower. I do want you to know that I'm very sorry for what I said to you today. Goodnight baby girl, love you"

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

"Darling? Where are you? I've been calling you almost 5 times every hour and it's been 3 hours since I've heard from you. Please tell me that you're safe, even if it is one of those short texts, please I just need you to tell me that you're fine. I just saw a falling star and I wished for you to forgive me and come back home, I miss my cuddle buddy and my best friend. Please come back to me soon. Love you darling"

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

"Sweetheart, please don't listen to what I said to Bruce earlier! He was saying that you were beautiful and I got jealous so I said something bad about you, I'm sorry that you had to hear that because you are absolutely perfect for me. I love your flaws, I love everything about you and I love you. Please talk to me again, I will be home if you decide to come back. Please take me back"

Thor Odinson (Thor)

"HELLO, my lady. I wanted to tell you that I am apologizing to you . I could imagine that I truly hurt you and broke your beautiful heart. Everyone has gone out to look for you, I hope one of them finds you because I cannot go to bed without my lady next to me. I am so sorry my love, I do hope that we can solve this problem. "

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

"Love, I'm sorry for hulking out on you when you only tried to give me some advice. I scared you because of the other guy and because I yelled at you for the first time. You have been hiding in the tower and I understand that you need time, I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry and that I'm here for you when you are ready to start talking to me again".

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

"Baby doll, I haven't seen you in 4 days now and I am so worried about you. You're not at your best friend or your apartment, I wonder where you went and I am so worried. I want to talk about it and fix our problem when you are ready to live with me again. Please know that I will always love you, no matter what happens"

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

"Princess, you are sitting in the living room and crying into Wanda's lap. I am in my room and hoping for another chance, hoping that you won't give up on me and us yet. We have so many things to do: get married and have kids, I want it all with you so please let's talk and let's cuddle. I'll be the best boyfriend ever. I love you"

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