Bad days (you)

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A/N: thank you everyone for reading, I don't know if people actually like my writing but I hope you do. If there's anything to make it better, please let me know what and I'll try to make it better again. Have a nice day

If you want I'll make the same preferences but then for his bad days instead of yours.



Tony Stark (Iron Man)

- Him staying home for you

- Ordering pizza

- Him trying to be clumsy to make you smile

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

- Kissing all over your face

- Watching your favorite movies

- Chocolate party

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

- Humming you to sleep

- Stroking your hair to calm you down

- Treating you like a princess

Thor Odinson (Thor)

- Trying to cook for you

- Letting you use his cape

- Making you laugh

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

- Soft music to calm you down

- Whispering everything that he loves about you

- Your favorite food in bed

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

- Letting you play with his hair

- Bad jokes

- Dancing without music

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

- Eating his candy

- Watching Disney movies

- Calming words as you slowly drift to sleep

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