Pietro x Amber

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A/N: okay this was Laia's  idea!!!!!!!!!!! Lol, I admit that I secretly ship myself really hard with Pietro. So yeah yeah, to everyone who has been trying to get me to admit it:  #Amietro is aliveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


"What are we watching tonight?" I asked Pietro as he came to seat down next to me on the couch; he shrugged and smiled at me before grabbing the remote and handing it over to me. "whatever you want, I don't really care" he said as he shifted to get comfortable. I started switching through the channels to try and find something interesting and rested my head on the armchair as nothing really caught my eyes.

"There's literally NOTHING good to watch" I complained as I stretched my short legs on Pietro's lap. He immediately brought his arms over them and securely pulled me closer before absentmindedly tracing random patterns on my skin. "We can put a movie on" he offered and I lifted my eyes to smile at him.  It was a thing about Pietro, he'd always try his best to make everyone happy, finding solutions to big and small problems, making people laugh when they are down, taking care of them when they are sick...

"Earth to Amber, are you okay?" he asked as his eyebrows furrowed, "Oh yeah, yeah, sorry! What do you want to watch?" I said, shaking my head to get the thoughts out of my mind. 

"Mmmh... we've never watched a scary movie together!" he suddenly exclaimed and I opened my eyes widely, "yeah there's a reason to that, Maximoff! Not happening" I answered before crossing my arms over my chest.

"Why? Are you scared?" he smirked as he tightened his arms around my legs as if he was scared I was going to leave,  I admitted it by a small nod and he immediately grabbed my waist and pulled me over so that I was lying on his chest. "Aww but I'll protect you" he said as he started to run his hand up and down my back.

"Or we can watch Frozen... isn't that what roommates do?" I asked as I lifted my head to look into his mesmerizing eyes. His lips parted and he held my gaze, not answering the question and stopping his caress on my skin; it felt like time had stopped and I could have killed to stay in this moment forever.

"Ilikeyou" he let out after what felt like forever, his teeth immediately closing on his bottom lip as he stared at me with worried eyes. "What?" I asked, not because I didn't hear him, but because Icouldn't really believe it.

 "I... Huh... I'm sorry, I just... You're beautiful and kind and smart and funny all at once and yeah, I like you" he repeated as a smile grew on my face.

That was all I needed to hear, I raised my head a little bit so that my lips were close to his, I then gently pressed my lips to his and kissed him, the way I had wanted to do for the past 5 months. "I like you too, Pietro" I confessed before going back to kissing him. His hands soon started pressing harder onto my back.

I moved on the couch so that I was straddling him and started grinding my hips down on his as I felt him harden under me. He placed both hands on each side of my face and pressed his lips on mine; the kiss was full of passion and I could feel him  breathing heavily as I kept on moving above him. "Don't you... Don't you think we're going too fast?" he asked, his eyes closed as he tried to calm himself down. "Well technically, we moved in together before we even became friends ... So... I really want this, but if you want to wait, that's fine" I answered as I looked at him in the eyes.

"Oh god no, no I want this too... I just want this to mean something" he said as he brushed a strand of dark brown hair away from my face. "Me too" I whispered before pressing my lips to his once again. He didn't seem to need any other form of confirmation as he grabbed my hips and flipped me over so that he was lying on top of me and my head was resting on the arm chair. His hands quickly found the top button of my jeans as he undid it and slid the material down my legs; he kissed his way back up, his blue eyes never leaving mine as he grabbed the hem of my sweater and pulled it above my head.

************ after all the fun *************

I stayed in that position for a while before he actually took me in his arms and flipped me over so that I was lying on top of him this time; "can I take you out on a date, now?" Pietro suddenly asked and I started laughing silently, my face buried in his chest.

"Sure" I eventually said and he placed a finger under my chin to force me to look up at him; "what's so funny?" he asked and I pecked his lips gently before placing a hand on his cheek. "It just feels like we're a couple already" I said and he gave me one of those smiles that could make me melt.

"That's because we are, Amber" Pietro whispered, running his fingers through my hair and letting me fall asleep on him.

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