Playing with his weapons

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A/N: okay, if there's any preference that you want to see in my book, please let me know

Written on my phone, sorry for any possible mistakes



Tony Stark (Iron Man)

Tony made a special suit for you, he worked on it for days. You were super happy when it was finished and so was Tony; it had the same colors as his suit but it was less dangerous so that you couldn't hurt anyone or yourself with it. When you're bored and Tony isn't home, you play around the house as Iron Woman.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

At first Clint wasn't planning to learn you how to use his bow and arrows but you wanted to play with it and accidentally ruined one of his favorite bows. After a fight about it, he decided to learn you how to use it properly. It took some time but Clint loved to reward you with kisses when it went well and he even gave you a bow and arrow for your birthday.

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

Steve was scared that you would hurt yourself with the shield so he only let you play with it, when he was watching you from a close distance. Mostly he was sitting on a chair while you were jumping around on the bed, making all the sounds and effects while moving around with the shield. Steve really loved to see you happy, even if it was about playing with his shield.

Thor Odinson (Thor)

You were worthy, you don't even know how or why but Thor always says that it's because you're his girlfriend. Most of the times he plays along, pretending to be a bad guy while you fake throw his hammer at him. Everyone thinks it's weird but both of you are perfectly fine with it, as long as you can have pop tarts after.

Bucky Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

You love his metal arm, you love to look at it, touch it, put magnets on it and make a fake one for yourself. That way you can cheer up Bucky when he has a bad day and you can play around to be The Winter Soldier. It makes Bucky smile, knowing you accept him and that you love his metal arm.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

Most of the times you just play around with his grey Adidas sneakers. They make you feel as if you have super speed, until you fell because the shoes were too big. So after a broken leg, Pietro bought you the shoes in your size. Now you can always play around with them and have competitions with Pietro.

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