Tony Stark (Iron Man): Anniversary Day (P2.)

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A/N: I'm in an extremely bad mood right now but I hope that this involves as much sweetness as you want. I'm sorry if this is not good but I don't feel happy, well I never feel happy but I'm just really angry today.

Have a nice day and enjoy!


Tony Stark (Iron Man): 

Tony was surprised when he saw you stomp out of his lab like that: first you were with your hands on his shoulders and next thing you were muttering things under your breath and almost running out of the room.

He turned around and saw you through the window and caught the expression plastered on your face: you didn't look mad at all, mostly sadness was the expression that took everything over and also some tears that fell down your cheeks gave the sadness away.

His mind was hesitating between coming to look for you or leaving you alone to cry out for a while, both of them would probably cause him more trouble then he was in right now. If he would go, he would get the door slammed in his face and if he would stay then the others would say that he didn't comfort his own girlfriend.

"Jarvis, what's going on with Y/N?"

It was a bit stupid to ask the computer why you were so sad but it was the best he could come up with, on one of the screens appeared the calendar with the date on, the date of today surrounded by a huge red circle and underneath the event.

Anniversary day.

Tony cursed to himself silently. He couldn't believe that he forgot it, well he didn't forget since he got a present but it just slipped his mind that the day that you were 2 years together was exactly today.

With a sigh, he stood up from the chair and began walking around his lab in search for that special thing that he bought for you a few weeks ago, he bought it but he had to make the inside of it by himself so that's why he bought it weeks ago.

He saw it laying underneath his secret stash of candy, he picked it up and started checking again if everything he neeeded was in its place before he asked his quick friend Pietro to get him a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers.

Once Pietro had the bouquet of flowers, Tony walked outof his lab and took the elevator to the bedrooms, on his way he was trying to make a speech for forgettig but it was his fault so he would take the blame of course.

And now that he was standing in front of your shared bedroom, he was getting nervous, maybe for the words that were going to be spoken, maybe for your reaction at his present or maybe the crying state he would probably find you in.

He knocked on the door softly before he opened the door and saw you sitting on your bed, your back was turned to the door and he could hear your sniffles. He thought that he couldn't feel more guilty for what he did.

"Baby girl?"

You turned around to face him and even though you were crying, there was still a smile loving smile that you gave to Tony.

"I'm sorry, you know I didn't mean to forget, it just slipped my mind that it was today but I got you this. I hope you like it!"

He was looking hopeful as you took your first look at his present, it looked like it was a large book, on the front written your names in cursive lettering. 

Y/N & Tony

You flipped the cover around so that you were at the first page, a picture of you and Tony during a photoshoot for some magazine: your head was resting on his chest nd he was looking at you with the loving smile. Underneath the picture was written when he gave you the book and which was the reason for it.

You already put down the book, not wanting to look at the rest of all the pictures in the photobook without him. You stood up and watched how he started fiddling with his fingers until you intertwined you fingers with his.

"I love you Tony"

He sat with you on the bed and you started focussing on the book again, all the pictures were like reliving all the memories: sometimes laughing, even letting a tear stream down when stories were shared again.

At the last mage of the book, there was a collage of 4 pictures: on the first one you were laughing at something funny that Tony did, on the second picture you were hugging each other tightly, the third was a picture where you were gazing into each others eyes and a smile on your face and the fourth was one where he gave you a kiss.  All the pictures were too much for you and of cours eyou started to tear up but Tony was there to wrap his arms around you and encourage you to go further, the last thing on that page were the words.

"I love you"

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