Victoria's Secret shopping

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A/N: This was requested by someone in the comments so I decided that it indeed was a good idea to write something about it. I'm sorry if it sucks but I was watching The Fault In our Stars for the first time and I'm a mess right now.



Tony Stark (Iron Man): 

On a afternoon when you and Tony had nothing better to do then mess around, he 'acidentally' ripped your favorite panties. Pausing was no option before letting you put on something else before taking his Audi and driving the both of you towards his favorite store which was Victoria's Secret. When you arrived there, Tony was the first one to act like a woman by pulling everything out and presenting it to you. Soon you and Tony were standing in the fitting rooms, Tony being the playboy he is and giving his opinion on everything.and playing around with you every time he saw some skin. After 3 hours you came home with 7 bags full of new stuff and a very horny Tony.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

Normally you would be shopping with Natasha today but she had a last minute mission so your boyfriend decided to join you shopping. The thing is that you wanted to surprise Clint with a new set of lingerie, it was a surprise for your being 2 years together so when you entered Victoria's Secret you tried to hide the surprise as much as you could. You were a bit hesitant in pulling every pair of lingerie out and fitting it since Clint was protecting you from things he was imagining as dangerous. Finally when you thought that Clint wasn't watching you, you went to fit a purple lingerie set but when you got dressed again Clint was waiting for you outside the fitting room with a smirk on his face. He knew what was going on but that didn't stop you from having fun that night.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

Steve and Tony had a conversation about presents for you earlier that day and of course Tony suggested Victoria's Secret without telling what they sold in the store. When you were out, Steve went on his motorcycle and drove to the adress that his frenemy gave him but the shop he was in front of wasn't what he thought it would be. Steve entered the store anyways, he surely didn't expect all the sets of lingerie and all the women looking at it and what happened next was something that made him as red as a tomatoe. You were standing just next to him, looking at a blue set until the familiar man next to you caught your eye, happily the both of you left the store rather quickly.

Thor Odinson (Thor):

It was an early morning when the both of you entered the store which meant that you didn't know if Thor was still tired or simply confused by all the revealing lace of all the different things, of course he had seen a bra before but he didn't know what to expect more from it. Until his imagination started to show him you wearing all those things, he knew what he wanted you to buy so he just picked his personal favorite and handed it over to you. After fitting it Thor was looking at you with a very confused look and a woman staring at him angrily, Thor had told the woman which set she should buy when you were in the fitting rooms. You took the set home and as well as your boyfriend who was still as confused as ever.

Bruce Banner (The hulk):

It was Bruce's birthday tomorrow and you had no idea what to buy him for his birthday but when you passed by Victoria's secret you actually thought of buying some new things and hiding it somewhere until tomorrow night, some birthday sex surely couldn't do any harm. You weren't paying attention to anyone as you kept on searching for the perfect lingerie but when you felt a tap on your shoulder, you looked up and mixed your eyes with the familiar brown ones that belonged to Bruce. He told you that he saw you in the store and wanted to come and say 'hi' really quickly since he was a bit shy and awkward, he left before you which gave you the chance to continue shopping.

James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

He was still learning about the internet which meant seeing an ad every once in a while and while searching up something he saw a bra and some panties underneath, written in cursive "Victoria's Secret". A few hours later you came back from a friend's house and Bucky told you about the ad and what he saw so you decided to indeed go and look if the set was as pretty as Bucky said it was. 2 hours later Bucky was still pleading with his eyes, you thought that the set was pretty but you didn't like the way it looked on you, Bucky didn't have the same opinion as you though. He wanted you to buy itn only then he was going to stop pouting. you eventually gave in.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

Pietro was really bored today, he didn't want to go outside because you didn't want to and you didn't want to watch a movie because he didn't want to. After hours and hours of being bored the both of you were rummaging through each other's clothes which also meant that Pietro watched your bras, panties, lingerie and that's how the both of you unded up in Victoria's Secret to let him choose something for you. He was acting as if he knew everything, even trying things on for girls but most of the time he was fanboying over the same lingerie set over and over again. On his demand you fitted it and discovered that you actually likes it as well so you came out of the shop with the new set and Pietro who was very exited for you to wear it in front of him

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