Rainy Days

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A/N: sorry that this is so short but I've just typed my fingers off by writing the last chapter of my other story so now I'm kind of emotonal and stuff. Lol sorry about Bucky's btw, I got an idea from the 40s or something lol



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

Laying In Bed

Tony doesn't get much sleep since he comes to bed hours after he gave you a goodnight kiss, so when he gets up he's tired but he doesn't want to admit it to you. But on rainy days, he doesn't have to save the world and he doesn't want to work at his suits at all and since there is nothing interesting to do around, the both of you get some comfotable clothes on and lay in bed all day, mostly cuddling an sleeping or talking.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

Playing games

Clint is a real family man, spending time on the ways they did it when he was younger and that was mostly by playing games. So when it starts raining he will get sad because he can't go outside, to cheer him up you will make the both of you some snacks or hot drinks while he sets up the board games. Most of the other Avengers join you in those games because it's really cozy and nice to spend time like that, only if it's a stripping game they skip it.

Steve Rogers (Captain Rogers):

Have A Moment + Cuddle

There was this one time where you got in a fight with him over something stupid, you went outside to clear your mind and of course it had to rain once you arrived at the park so you started walking the way home again in your t-shirt. Steve in the meanwhile was worrying so much that he grabbed his coat and ran outside as well, he didn't have to search for long as you bumped into each other just around the corner. Apologies were said before you both leaned in and presed your lips together, the perfect kiss in the rain. After that he gave you his coat and you wlked home and cuddled to get warm again.

Thor Odinson (Thor): 

Watch movies

Asgard is completely different to his so called 'Midgard' so when it rains here it doesn't mean that the king is sad or that something bad is about to happen. He still got confused when it was raining outside and everyone stayed in and acted like it was a normal day but you learned him that it was just nothing more then droplets of water that fell down. You make him a cup of coffee and watch all the movies with him that he surely needs to see, mostly it ends in the both of you falling asleep in each other's arms.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):


Rainy days are the best days for you, you get to spend time with your boyfriend Bruce and you can taste his delicious cooking. You head to the store by car and buy everything you need to make a lovely group meal, when you come home you start cooking and playing around with things like flour. In the end you're covered with it but the delicious meal all makes up for that.

James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

Make love

It started when you sleep in until 11am, you and Bucky wake up and realize there probably isn't any breakfast left and neither of you wants to get up. He gives you a sloppy morning kiss, starting with your lips before drifting to your neck, his shirt that you were wearing is on the floor just like underwear as he makes his way down your chest. Soon moans and each other's names are the only things that can be heard in the room, all day long just making love and you being in his strong arms.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

breakfast in bed + Take a bubble bath

Pietro will wake up before you do, rushing everything because he knows that you will wake up soon so he speeds off to the kitchen where he will try to make you the best breakfast you ever had. When you wake up he will bring you breakfast in bed, although he eats most of it himself. In the afternoon or early evening he will run a bubble bath for you, but when he wanted to leave the bathroom you asked him to come in the bath as well and of course he couldn't say no to that. Playing in the bubbles, sharing sweet kisses, it can't be better.

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