When he's jealous

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A/N: Lol I'm writing this at my work so I'm sorry if this isn't good, I just had to find something really quick and get to work again. Hopefully you all have a nice day and have loads of fun!!! 




Tony Stark (Iron Man)

When Tony was checking other girls out you couldn't become mad or say something about it at all but if Tony saw that some other guy was checking you out then the guy was in big trouble. He just couldn't have it when someone just tried to look at your outfit, let alone the parts that only he could look at or touch. You would be standing with the guy, talking about random things in life and Tony would casually come to you, wrap an arm around you, pull you closer to him and press his lips to yours passionately.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

Clint would keep silent, he would just stand there and look as if it didn't bother him at all but on the inside he would be boiling with anger towards the boy you were talking with. He would try to ignore bursting out when everybody was around but once the guy crossed the limit everyone should keep away from Clint for an hour or so because he wouldn't be as sweet as normal. Only you could calm him down and make it clear that you didn't need another person in your life when you had the best boyfriend in the world.

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

At first he didn't want to say anything, his hand was intertwined with yours and he would be half listening to the conversation you were having with the boy. Everything would go well until he heard his name being spoken and a bad word somewhere in the conversation, then it would be a mess in his head. All those questions would attack him and he wasn't listening anymore at all, he got flashbacks and almost started crying right there. Only when you pulled him away from the boy and squeezed his hand, he knew that you were his and he was yours forever.

Thor Odinson (Thor)

Thor didn't understand what was happening, he thought that hthe man you were talking to was just being friendly and you thought so too. He even went to bring drinks for you and the man that was standing next to you, he wanted to carry the drinks back until Tony pulled him aside and asked what was going on between you and the guy. A long explanation about love and cheating an d flirting followed and then Thor got jealous of the man, he took his hammer and sent the boy outside so he could scare him. The boy would never lay a hand on you again.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

He wouldn't be mad, or at least he wouldn't turn green so everyone thought that he wasn't mad at all but truth being said that  he was always mad so even when the boy that lived a few houses away started talking to you, he almost lost his temper and turned green. Happily you saw what was happening and took him inside your house quickily, he had to take a deep breath and cry for a short while until he could continue his day on a normal way.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

Pietro couldn't keep in his feelings at all, he had to talk or had to show what he was feeling in different ways. He wanted your attention so badly but he wasn't getting it, that was the breaking point.  You weren't doing anything wrong because you were just talking to one of your old friend when he suddenly ran towards you, picked you up bridal style and ran away from your old friend. Not much later you were pinned against the wall, it was you that night who showed him that he was the only one for you.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

Of course Bucky couldn not help it, it was his nature of changing from a high self-elsteem to being really insecure about himself and everything he said or does. He was so afraid that he lost you to that person you were talking to in the middle of the street, it was the red eyes that made you realize that a waterfall of tears was about to spill from your boyfriend's eyes. You said your goodbye to your cousin and walked home with Bucky, letting him hug you and cry his heart out as you rubbed his back in slow but calming circles.

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