Find You ➳ Pietro Maximoff

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A/N: double update because i wanted something that made me cry. This is my favorite video on youtube so yeah, it just makes me cry with the sound and just seeing my baby boy again (if you can't see it, it's called; Remembering Pietro Maximoff #Quicksilverisnotdead).



"Pietro...." you sighed heavily as you fell to your knees at the sight of his lifeless body.

You felt lost and empty. You held on to his limp hand, holding it tighter and tighter as if to give some of your life and warmth back to him but it was no use.

Pietro was a hero; he saved Clint and the little boy but all you could think about was why did it have to be him? Your Pietro, your cocky blue eyed hero. You felt hot tears form in your eyes and before those tears fell, you buried your face in his chest. "Please...come back to me." You cried as you coughed up blood. You were physically hurt but it was nothing compared to the wound in your heart.


Your hands were still shaky but you tried your best to keep your composure. The city was safe. Everyone was evacuated out of harm's way and Ultron was gone. But so was he. You had stopped crying for the time being but were slowly reminded of how they took Pietro away from you because you needed to be examined and given medical attention after the fight.

You wanted to scream and get angry at someone. Blame someone for his death. You personally wanted to beat the life out of one of those Ultron robots. You wanted to blame Clint for Pietro's death but before you could do so you felt a voice in your head. "Y/N..." You turned to see Wanda looking at you with concern in her eyes.


No words were needed as she opened her arms out to you and embraced you tightly as if to shield you from the world. "I-I miss him so much Wanda...I..I...why did he have to-" you finally broke down. "No, no, I'm sorry, I should not be complaining to you..."

"Shh, Y/N...My brother was everything to me and you made him happy. For that, I will always be thankful." she whispered while she stroked your hair. There was silence between you two; for how long, you did not know.

"Do you remember what we all promised to one another?" she finally asked.

"W-we'll always find each other..."

"Yes Y/N, he'll come back..."


"She doesn't have much longer"

"Just a while more.."

"What are you doing, Maximoff?"

"She and my brother deserve to be happy."



You didn't know why or how but you were back in Sokovia. You saw all the rubble and buildings in ruins. People ran past you. You briefly saw Thor flying in one direction occasionally colliding with some robots; Captain America was using his shield to bash robots to bits. You saw Iron Man in the distance as well. You didn't understand. Didn't this already happen? Your confusion grew more and more as you tried to run. You went back in time? 'This is crazy' you thought. But then you felt your heart flutter when someone screamed your name.


You turned and ran towards the source of the voice but he speed past the rubble and embraced you as tightly as possible. All you saw was a fast blue blur before Pietro appeared before you. His expression was a mixture of surprise and relief. It was in that brief second that you felt your heart skip a beat. Then he held your waist firmly before spinning you up.

"I thought I lost you Y/N." he said as he put you down and nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. You felt his facial hair tickle you in that area. It was a comforting feeling and you ruffled his blonde hair lovingly before you pulled away from his tight embrace to face him.

"Pietro, I thought-I thought I lost you..." you teared up a little as you stared at his electric blue eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere. I love you Y/N." Pietro whispered into your ear before he pressed his forehead on yours.

You felt your heart flutter and feel whole again. You hugged Pietro tighter as you smiled. You found each other again.


Wanda kissed your forehead as she watched your heart monitor slowly go flat. She could not help but shed a tear as she heard you in her mind. 'Thank you Wanda.'  

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