Bad Days (Him)

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A/N: First of all I want to apologize for my lack of inspiration, everything I've been writing lately sucks and it's nothing more but those lists. Also I'm sorry if my username is different but I think I'm going to change it because I've grown tired of mine.



Tony Stark (Iron Man)

- Listening to his rant

- Giving him all the cuddles he wants

- Trying to tell jokes to make him smile

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

- Remembering memories

- Letting him rant about anything

- Him playing with your hair

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

- Trying to turn the frown upside down

- Using your nails ro draw patterns on his chest

- Letting him tell old stories

Thor Odinson (Thor)

- Feeding him loads of poptarts

- Watching funny cartoons

- Hugging him tightly

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

- A walk down the streets

- Listening to his rant

- Rubbing his back to relax him

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

- Assuring him that he's the one for you

- Sharing puns

- Watching old movies

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

- Listening to his stories of when he was a kid

- Hugging him tightly

- Loads of candy

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