Princess Avengers ➳ Thor Odinson

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A/N; Good morning/ good evening everyone, before I'm going to go to school I just wanted to say thank you so so so much for reading. This book is not very good and what I write is rubbish but still loads of people are reading it and that makes me so fucking happy. This is for all the Thor girls in here (especially Bloom)

I'll put the requests open soon

 I hope you enjoy!!


Natasha and Wanda organised a girls day out with you. It has been a while since you got the chance to unwind with your best friends, have some time to catch up. Thankfully, Thor and the other Avengers are not busy and agreed to watch your children. 

They shouldn't be too much trouble, as they are both good kids. Your boy (son's name) is seven years old and is excited to be spending the day with his Dad and the Avengers. And you girl (daughter's name) is only four years old.

Once you gave the kids a kiss goodbye, the Avengers found themselves staring at the little humans in front of them. This is the first time they have had to babysit.  (Daughter's name) wanted to play something fun and sparkly. Like she always does. She remembered you had packed her tea set for her. So she quickly grabbed the big basket full of tea cups and princess clothes, there is enough for everyone.

"I want to play princesses." she jumped up and down excitedly. Hoping that the adults would agree to participate. Otherwise she may just cry.

"Anything you want sweetheart." Thor told his daughter. Looking at all of the other guys who didn't seem as keen to dress up. However, it seems like they have no choice in the matter. Not wanting to upset a little girl or her father for that matter.

The little girl dressed the guys up one by one. She painted their nails, put make-up on their faces and to finish it off dressed them up like a pretty pink princess. Each of them having their own tutus/crowns/wands. Tony felt ridiculous, a fully grown man playing princess. (Son's name) wanted to play super-hero so grabbed Tony, Bruce and The Vision to run around the Tower with. Tony would rather run around dressed as a princess than sitting having a tea party.

That left Thor, Steve, Pietro and Clint with your daughter. Who are all happily clanking tea cups together and having a pretend tea party. They are doing it to keep her happy. Besides they were having a bit of fun for a change.

"May I have more tea please Princess?" Clint held up his cup to the 4 year old who quickly nodded and filled it up more.

"Certainly Princess Clint." she chuckled to herself as he clinked his cup with hers. Having so much fun playing Princess with the guys. The smile on her face is worth it. No matter how silly they all looked/felt.


You and the girls finally returned to the Tower after your day out. And what you saw left you all speechless. Some of the guys were running around with your son dressed as Princesses. Pretending to fight bad guys together. It is a sight you never thought you would see in your life.

"Princess Avengers, Assemble!" you hear Tony shout, getting a little too into character.

The rest are sitting in a circle on the floor with your daughter, having a tea party as it seems. They too are dressed all in pink, wearing make-up and painted nails. It is an unusual sight for the three of you. Causing you to giggle amongst yourselves. The guys are now aware of your presence and everything suddenly comes to a stop.

"Mommy!" your children run immediately over to you for a hug. They had missed you whilst you were gone. But had such good fun with the guys.

"My princess, what have you done to Daddy and the others?" you asked her and she just smiled proudly.

"I made them pretty princesses." she answered causing you to chuckle. What a little bundle of joy she is. You picked her up into your arms and made your way over to Thor. Greeting him with a kiss.

"You're back sooner than I expected." he scratched the back of his neck, not really knowing what else to say. As he stands before you dressed in pink with make-up all over his face. Your daughter, (daughter's name) used blue eye-shadow and bright red lipstick. And because you are so used to seeing your husband not looking like a Princess, you can't help but laugh.

"You know, pink is definetely your colour. I think you should wear it more." you put your daughter back down as she wanted to return to her tea party with the others. Thor laughs at your suggestion.

"Well pink goes well with blond." he clapped his hands together before you all joined in on the fun. Not seeing why they should stop on your behalf. Natasha couldn't resist taking a picture though. For memories, of course. 

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