His fear about losing you

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A/N: I'm busy at school since I'm studying science and trying to work as much as possible. but hopefully you enjoy it .



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

His fame

If you would ever leave Tony it would be because of his fame, you could handle almost everything but your weak spot was fame: you had never been in the world of fame before but you were told that it's not the way it seems and that's why you try to come in the picture as less as you can. Tony understands that and tries to keep you to himself all the time, he would be so heartbroken if he lost the person he loved. You would never leave him though

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

Someone's death

From the day you met him Clint has been afraid for death, he always think one of the both of you is not going to make it to the next day: he is afraid of planning, one day he could propose to you and the other day you would be shot instead of getting married. There were days that he just couldn't let you go, there were days that he didn't want to get too close to you so that the loss wouldn't be as bad. You always assured him that as long you were with each other, nothing could tear you apart, not even death

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

First loves

Steve couldn't do anything about it, if he thought about losing you then it would probably be because of his first love and your first love: his first love had been Peggy, more than 70 years ago, your first love had been the guy who threw you off the balcony which ended in Steve catching you before you could hit the ground. He often wondered what would have happened when nothing happened, what if he didn't end up in ice? What if the guy never threw you off the balcony? Where would his life be then, he would have to start over again.

Thor Odinson (Thor):

Being a God

Thor sometimes doesn't act like a God at all, he is a big teddy bear that likes to cuddle and save the world but then he remembers that he is a God and that he is from Adgard, his father is Odin and his adopted brother is Loki. He thought that you hates him for it, sometimes he wished he was just like all the other mortals but that wasn't the case. He called himself lucky that you were in his arms and not in someone's arms that was normal. He feared it everyday, losing you to a mortal

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

The other guy

Bruce is so afraid of getting angrier than he already is, what if he turns into the other guy while having an argument with you. What if he hurts you if he does, he could kill you if that happens, he could make you in a bad condition for your entire life and that way he could lose you and your relationship as well. He avoids arguments and likes to cuddle all day so that he doesn't need to think of losing you in any way.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

His metal arm

His metal arm is the only weapon that he can't put aside when he is with you so it could always be able to use it, he tries to use his other hand or arm but sometimes he just needs to use his metal one and then his mind drifts to all the things that could happen. He is afraid that will happen to you what he did to people in the past, you have to assure him it won't happen, you love his metal arm and the rest of him. But the thought always is there that his metal arm can cause huge damage for you and mentally for him.

Pietro Maximoff


He can't do anything about it with his young age and his personality, most of the times he still is a kid himself: he likes candy, likes to play around, loves to tease and runs around all the time. Pietro wanted to change but after a week you begged him to be back to how he was and he did but he thinks that it all can end very soon because of his behaviour, sometimes he goes too far and there are arguments, sometimes you're just not in the mood for his childish things and he feels guilty for it. He doesn't want to lose you but he'll never believe you if you say that it's one of the ..... things that you like aout him

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