Little thing he does

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A/N: This is the only chapter that I will write today because I have somewhere to go today. Thank you for reading and voting, you are all so amazing.  Hopefully you are all having a very nice day and stuff.



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

Tony would always set you in between his legs, sometimes because there were no chairs left in the room but most of the times whenever he was sitting somewhere and you arrived he would let you sit in between his legs, even in the lab he would sit on a chair with you.  Your back would be against his torso in an attempt to make you comfortable and because you could feel his heartbeat most of the times but he also did it because liked to show other people that you were only his by doing that. It was also a good excuse to be able to touch you (not that way)

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

He would always try to make you smile or laugh by doing the nicest to weirdest to craziest things that you have ever seen but it was all for you and of course he made you smile. Clint didn't like to see you cry, you would be crying one day but he didn't want that day to come soon. Maybe he didn't know but you would always smile when he was by your side, that's one of the many reasons why you loved Clint. When you are sad he will tell you a lame joke until he sees your smile again, as soon as he sees it he will compliment you about it and cuddle you until you feel better

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

It was a habit of his that he would always kiss your forehead when you were wrapped in his arms or when he passed by randomly, he would just come up to you, give you a hug and press his lips against your forehead, mostly letting them linger for a minute before pulling back. You weren't the only one who thought that it was comforting, Steve thought that it made him calm down again, so it was relaxing for the both of you. If Steve ever cried he would kiss your forehead and only let the tears fall on that moment but most of the times it made you happy again.

Thor Odinson (Thor):

Evenings with Thor were the best, it would be late at night when you would be laying in bed without talking, there were no words needed for knowing what the both of you felt or thought. Most of the times you were just cuddled up against each other and Thor playing with the strands of your hair, he did it every night all over again. Sometimes he would make small braids or somethimes he would wrap it around his finger but when he knew that you were tired he would just run his hand through it because it could get you to sleep.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk): 

He would love to pay attention to your nose for some reason, he thought it was one of the cutest parts of your body, he would say it daily that he loved your nose very much and after he would tell you how much he loved you. It was something dad he did whenever he felt like it, kissing your nose or bop your nose gently with his index finger, it was a really cute sight to sight to see. It was the first thing he did in the morning, most of all the times the way to wake you up as well, just kissing your nose was enough for a good day.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

Your hands and fingers was something that Bucky looked at as if he was mesmerized by it, he was looking at them all day in the beginning when you started seeing him more and more, that looking turned into playing with your fingers as soon as your relationship became more stable and now it was Bucky's favorite thing to do. He could do it all day long: Kiss your fingers, play with your fingertips and see his hands intertwined with yours. Maybe it gave him a sign that you were actually there with him or maybe it made him feel happy, it made you feel both of them.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

If there was something that he would do for the rest of his long life then it would be running around with you in his arms all day, there was just something that he loved about carrying you bridal style and bring you wherever you needed to be. He couldn't wait for the day that you were married and he could carry you literally bridal style. When he thought there would be danger where you would be at that moment, he would pick you up and run to where it is safe for you to stay. Long story made short he just loved to pick you up and speed off like that.

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