He talks when you're asleep

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A/N: Have fun reading. Bye

Weird question but why had my book a score, like it's number #546 in fanfiction, what does thate even mean


Tony Stark  (Iron Man):

"Look at me here, I'm Tony Stark and I admit that I fell so hard for you. It's true that I thought that I would never find a woman for my own but when you passed by, it all changed. I remember that we met when you interviewed me, and I remember that first kiss when I forgot our date those are the moments that I never thought about until now. I'm such a lucky man for having you by my side but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I'm going to let you sleep even though you don't hear me, goodnight baby"

You didn't hear a word of what he said because you were asleep but you could feel his lips on your cheek, maybe you knew what he said because you heard him trying to come up with a speech in the afternoon. Tony left the room and probably went back to his lab as you softly smiled in your sleep and waited for him to get some sleep as well.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

"We are finally home again sweetheart! I'm so glad that this mission is over, it was way to dangerous for you, that I have to talk to Fury about, he can't send you on missions like that anymore. That you got shot is all my fault, I wasn't paying attention, I was listening to Tony over my earpiece and that's when I heard you scream in pain. You could have died, Y/N. What if you died? There would be only me and you know that I cannot live without you by my side. Anyways that you're alive is the most important thing right? Now go to sleep, you deserve it."

You had been sleeping in the quinjet ever since you got shot so Clint asked Tony to take you home instead of the tower, since you were sleeping Clint picked you up bridal style and walked up to the front door of the house.  When you were in bed, all he could think about was the fact that you got shot, he could have avoided it if he wasn't talking to Tony. The scream you let out was stuck in Clint his mind, one tear streamed down as he let your sleeping figure snuggle into his chest.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

"Y/N, my beautiful Y/N. You fell asleep on the couch again, I told you before that you don't need to try and stay up until I come back from missions because I know that you really need to rest, it's for your own good darling. Let's head to bed now, up the stairs, through the hall , and there we are just hang on for a second and I will be here soon. C'mere darling, tomorrow will be a better day for the to of us, I promise. Goodnight darlin'"

You were waiting for Steve to come back from a mission, only to fall asleep 14 minutes before he arrived. When he came home, he picked you up and carried you to the bedroom where he tucked you underneath the sheets and got changed really quickly before slipping in the bed beside you. When you felt his presence you cuddled close into Steve's body and continued sleeping

Thor Odinson (Thor):

"How can you be so perfect my Lady? Even now that you are sleeping you look like the most beautiful maiden in every place that I have been before. It is hard to believe that you are here for always, that you are my girlfriend and that one day we could possibly get married or have children running around. Oh no, I think that I am waking you up, I will whisper to you from now on, is this better? Perhaps I should head to bed as well, have good dreams Lady Y/N"

Thor couldn't sleep because he had 3 cups of coffee before he went to sleep, he was tired but he just couldn't sleep at all. So he decided to check up on you and that's how he started talking because he thought that you were so cute when you were sleeping. Eventually Thor's eyes began to close and he fell asleep as well.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

"Who would have thought that you would end up with me or that I would end up with you, you were out of my limit, you are way too pretty and nice for me but still you stay with me. You don't mind about my flaws, you love them just as much as you love the rest of me and that's what I appreciate a lot about you. You're always so understanding as if you always know what it is about, you're good at giving me advice when I need it and you'll give me attention when I need it the most. If you were gone now, I wouldn't know what to do without you. Goodnight"

Sometimes Bruce thought that it was hard to believe that you really loved him, he thought that you were better, better than him or anyone else in the world. He appreciated everything that you did for him and he will be grateful that you are loving him forever because no matter what happens you will be by his side.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

"Thank you for helping me this night, the nightmare was really bad again but thanks to you we were able to sleep and have nice dreams again. I dreamed about us like most of the times, I was imagining our life in a few years, hopefully we are still together but I think we will be. I found my soulmate and that's you, besides what would I do with myself if you aren't there with me? What would my life mean if you weren't my future, if you weren't my world. I don't even want to imagine it, I'm way too happy to do that. Thank you for that all"

Around 2 am Bucky's old nightmares came back again, you were there to comfort and to talk to him until he was calm and fell asleep in your arms again, he had been sleeping again until the early morning. You were so cute, laying next to him, your hand holding his metal hand and your other hand softly stroking his normal hand. He was so in love.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

"You're so scared right? I can see in everything that you do: you don't want me to go on missions, you always watch me closely and like now you never let me go. After the battle in New York everything changed so much, some things negative other's more positive. You became protective, emotional when I get hurt and thinking the worst when something wasn't the best. But it's nice knowing that you want me here, it gives me the idea that you really love me but don't worry because I really really love you too princess."

Since the battle in New York 2 different persons came out of it, you weren't carefree anymore, you were focussed on anything that involved Pietro and Pietro made sure that you were safe and happy, he didn't even argument with you anymore because you would cry. That was positive, it made the relationship stronger, it made you love each other even more

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