They Just Don't Know You (Tony, Clint, Steve, Thor)

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A/N; I don't even listen to Little Mix but I heard the song on the radio and decided to try and do something with it. 

I'm really sad but there is no one to talk so I guess, I don't even know...


Tony Stark (Iron Man):

"Tell me, tell me you won't break my heart

You won't tear my world apart

That you'll be there when I need"

"Tony, what is this?" you say, picking up girl's underwear from the ground.

He smirks. He's been your best friend for seven years now, towermate for three and and you've been in love with him for six years out of the 7. He does sleep around a lot and he hasn't really had a steady girlfriend since you met him, only those filthy one night stands, you can't stand them.

"You know what they are." His smirk makes you roll your eyes when he looks away for a second, suddenly you feel used because you're picking up some other girl's underwear, secretly you whished that it would be your underwear. With the smirk still on his face, he takes them out of your hand and throws them in the garbage

"Hey! Those were kinda cute!" you sarcastically say.

He just kind of looks at you with a look like you'd expect as love, his sort of love since you don't think he ever had a girlfriend that really loved him. His feet nearing yours as he takes small steps forward until he finally reached you and kisses you.

"Those one night stands, I hate them but they were a replacement because I didn't think that you would like me back. The past 6 years have been a hell, but I'm going to be in heaven for the rest of my life. It was worth the wait"

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

Mama says be careful 'cause he'll break your heart in three

They don't walk in my shoes

They ain't being kissed by you

"What's wrong Y/N, you've been acting really weird since we had dinner with your parents." Clint asked, softly rubbing the skin of your hand with his thumb, he looked genuinely concerned about you. 

"I don't know, Clint, they just–" you trail off.

"They just what?" he says, taking both of your hands in his now. He has some sort of thought of what you are going to say about their opinion on Clint. 

"They think I'm too good for you, I don't know why since you're too good for me. They don't want us to be together. My mom thinks that you're just going to break my heart but—" he cuts you off by kissing you.

"I'll never break your heart. I'll always be here for you. And they can think that, but I can prove them wrong."

You smile, knowing he's right and you're about to tell him that you loved him but your phone that vibrates cuts you off from saying the words. You look at the screen and see that your mother messaged you.

Mom: Have you talked to him yet?

Clint grabs your phone out of your hands and throws it on the couch, picking you up bridal style and carries you up the stairs towards the bedroom.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

It's funny 'cause at times it feels like us against the world

They treat you like a criminal but I'll still be your girl

Steve had been on your laptop for a few hours now, normally he would try to avoid such things as internet because he did not always know what he was doing with it. When you would ask what he was doing, he said that it was nothing and when you looked at his screen he closed it.

"Nothing" he mumbles after you asked once more what he was doing on the laptop, maybe he doesn't realize it but him being this mysterious makes you go crazy, it feels as if he is hiding something from you..

"Steven Grant Rogers, you will tell me. RIGHT NOW" you say as angel boils through your veins by now, finally he gave in and you're sitting down next to him. He tilts the laptop so you can read the screen. It's open to a gossip magazine's headline, it's about him

Superhero Captain America, Supercheating on his girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N

You look at his face, he is certainly not happy, in fact he doesn't even look angry but he looks like he is going to cry any moment now. He scrolls down the article so that you can read the rest as well.

Captain Rogers has been seen at a jewelry store a few days ago, nothing special but a possible engagement going on you say? Despite everyone's good reviews on him, he was pretty close with an unknown female in the store. Is loyality the new word for flirting while you have a girlfriend because that seems to fit the situation quite well.

He rips the laptop off his lap and sets it on the coffee table, you know him well enough to know that it's going way too far for him right now. He will beat himself up over it if he keeps on thinking about it and then he will reach the breaking point. 

"Come on, I know you didn't cheat. Let's head to bed"

Thor Odinson (Thor):

My sister says she doesn't like the way you wear your hair

But I know that she's jealous so why would I even care?

"I don't understand, Y/N, why do you even like him?" your sister asks you, handing you a clean dish to dry. The plate in your hands is held so tightly that it could burst into pieces when it would be held a little tighter.

"Because I do, okay. He's perfect for me and I love him."

"You love him?"

"Yeah I do, we've been dating for two years, what's the big deal.  I've loved him for that whole time and we've said it already, Y/S/N, I'm pretty sure it's okay for me to love him."

She is a bit shocked at the words that she is hearing, she thought that Thor wouldn't be your type but mostly because she did not like Thor the slightest bit. Y/S/N hated everything about him but mostly his hair and the fact that he as a God.

"I hate him"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean."

Your sister gives you a look before she goes back to washing dished, you can't let it go and decide to call your boyfriend of 2 years. Your sister needed to hear that you loved him and that he loved you too. 

"Hey Thor!"

"My Lady! What's up?"

You giggle at the two new words that Tony learned him, he never said 'What's up' before. "Oh, I'm just washing the dishes with my sister. I just wanted to call and say that I love you."

"Oh. Well I love you too!" you smile, it still makes you happy that he loves you.

"Oh by the way, Y/S/N says she doesn't like your hair"

"What's wrong with my hair?"

You hand the phone to your sister, she looks confused but she probably caught up with it by now. She dries her hands with the towel that you used to dry dishes before putting the phone next to her ear.

"Hey." she bluntly says.

She stands there, listening intently at something that Thor is saying, you can hear everything since Thor has probably the loudest voice even when he wants to talk normally. She hands you the phone after listening to Thor for about two minutes. You walk out of the room.

"Lady Y/N, I know that this is overdue and that I should have done it before but I would love to take you to Asgard with me tomorrow. What do you say my love?"


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