What he says...

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A/N: Today was one of the worst days in a few weeks, I just don't feel like continuing my life like this. Everything is my fault and I just can't take it anymore


Tony Stark (Iron Man)

- "Please baby girl" ➳ when he wants you to stay in bed but you have to get up because you have to go to work. In the end you're late for work

- "You're so cute and sexy at the same time" ➳ When he can't decide if he wants cuddles or sex, and then it turns into making love

- "Stop working beautiful, it's our special day" ➳ When  he wants to take you out but you won't stop working, he will order food and surprise you then.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

- "Chocolate"  ➳ When he wants you to come but you don't want to go and you get chocolate if you go with him. Usually the meetings you have to go to are boring but everything for doing naughty things under the table and chocolate

- "I'll always be back for you"  ➳ When he's at the point of leaving you to go on a mission, tears pooling in your eyes and he hugs you tightly

- "You make me happy" ➳ When he realizes how much he loves you and how lucky both of you are with each other. You are his getaway from everything, you make him happier than he ever was before

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

- "I wish I could hold you forever" ➳ When he thinks about what happened to him and Peggy years and years ago, he doesn't want that to happen to you too.

- "I brought roses" ➳ When he just came home from a mission, he always brings you roses because he feels guilty for leaving you home alone with your dog

- "How's the little soldier" ➳ When he comes home after a day at the tower and presses a soft kiss to your baby bump, he just can't wait for that little girl to open her eyes. Still 3 months to go!

Thor Odinson (Thor)

- "I need a horse" ➳ When he wants to take you on a date but he can't drive the car too well and well he just wants a horse.

- "I need to go to the store" ➳ When he leaves to go shopping, you think he will buy pop tarts but he always comes back with your favorite candy and some rented movies so that you can cuddle on the couch

- "You are my everything" ➳ When he wants you to know that you mean loads to him, he really loves you with all his heart

Loki Laufeyson (Loki)

- "You will be my real queen someday" ➳ When he tries to say that he wants to marry you someday in the future

- "I adore you" ➳ When he means that you are his everything, he really adores you and he would do everything to see you smile.

- "My love is alive" ➳ When you got in a car accident, you were injured badly and there was a chance that you wouldn't survive but in the end you did. Every now and then he reminds himself that you are alive

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

- "You're mine, I'm yours" ➳ When he's happy. He likes to know that you are his, he just can't get enough of saying that. A soft smile on his lips when he says it

- "I wish I met you earlier" ➳ When he thought of old times, he wished you were born back then. He would have never joined the army and he would stay with you forever

- "Kissy" ➳ When he  felt all clingy and cute, mostly when you were cuddling on the couch or in bed, covered up with the blankets. He would always ask for a kissy and of course he would get one

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

- "Forever and always" ➳ When he think that he's about to lose you; because of a fight, because something bad happened, because you could die any moment. He wants you to know that he loves you forever and always

- "Slowsilver" ➳ When he is teasing you and when he is serious at the same time; he teases you because you are slow but it also means that you're a part of him. You're his slowsilver and he is proud of that

- "Our happy family" ➳ When he thinks about it all, everything you have with him. From the pets to your 4 month old baby Silver and to your flat stomach, that is carrying another one of those cute children. He loves his family, his happy family

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