Best friends and his girlfriend hates you (part 1)

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A/N: After a long night in the hospital, I felt bored and I thought of turning this preference into mini series, if that's good with you guys of course. I would make it in 2-3-4 different parts but I don't know if you guys would want to read it.



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

"Tony, I don't even know if I'm on the right floor." You mumbled, looking at the doors down the hallway of the hotel, numbers going higher and higher. You were about to visit your best friend on a long mission, if you found his room that is.

"I told you it was room 264, floor 21. What don't you understand by that?" Tony laughed in response as he waited for you and Pepper to enter the hotel room. You were just under your way while Pepper wanted to buy a new dress somewhere.

You walked further until you arrived at the sections of room '250-300', your feet that stepped on the carpet were the only sounds that you could hear. Until you heard someone in front of you let out a loud sigh, by the tone of the sigh you could recognize her as Pepper Pots.


You didn't even give answer to the stupid question she just asked or yelled at you, instead you knocked on the door of Tony's room and entered it once you realized that he yelled that you could come in because the door was open.

Before you could head inside, Pepper already slipped in front of you and bumped your shoulder as she walked inside and kissed Tony full on the lips whilist she was sure that you were watching her actions.

"You're such a bitch!"

You shook your head and left the room right there, this would be the last time you fell into Tony's and Pepper's trap like that.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

Skype was the new way of communication that would be used for a few weeks now that you were on a mission in London and Clint was still in New york. Normally the two of you were allowed to go on missions together but Fury wanted you only on this mission

"Clint are you okay?" You questioned, your eyebrow furrowing at his expression, he didn't look like he normally did. He seemed sad and not really wanted to say what was bothering him, something really couldn't leave his mind.

He mumbled things that you couldn't hear, you could see a small smile creeping on his lips and that's when you knew what was botherig your best friend.

"I miss you too Clint." You cooed, your lips forming a pout. The door in Clint's room was soon slammed open and Laura came into view on the webcam herself stamping over to her boyfriend and your best friend.

She took a step closer to the webcam so that she could see who Clint was talking to, her eyes printed into yours angrily "Y/N?!"

He gestured pointing towards your quiet form on the screen, you were pulling your blanket closer to your body. Looking between the couple, Laura thought for a minute before taking action, she stepped even closer to the screen and started her plan by shutting his laptop, making it let out a thudding sound.

"You know I hate her! And I don't care if she is your best friend" She hissed making him roll his eyes. She said something else about having to go and then the both of them left the room with an argument. Neither of them realized that you heard everything because you were still connected

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

"Steve, Darling?" Jessica (sorry if that's your name) suddenly asked in a sugar sweetly voice making everyone snap their heads towards her and her loyal boyfriend Steve.

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