Bow Tie ➳ Tony Stark

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A/N: Okay I seriously need something new on my laptop since I'm on it all day and well I don't always have internet so yeah and I don't want to work on it all day so I guess I'm going to buy the sims 4 (I own 3 too but it doesn't work on windows 10). Thank you for reading.



You were making your way across the street, looking left and right to make sure no cars were coming your way. The wind blew the hair out of your face and you clenched your hand tightly around the bag you were holding. Inside were the new and very expensive Italian shoes that your boss, Tony Stark, had asked you to buy for him. Tonight was a big night for him. He was hosting a charity night for children with cancer and everything had to be perfect. Even his shoes.

A car honked at you as you crossed another street. You signaled you were sorry while your heart beat violently in your chest. You should pay better attention to your surroundings. Tony would be furious if he learned you had damaged his shoes before he even had the chance to wear them.

For the last couple of months you had been working at Stark Tower as personal assistant to Tony. After his breakup with Pepper, she had thought it was best to not work as closely to Tony anymore. You understood perfectly. You knew how much charm Tony could have. You had fallen for him hard, but you knew he would probably never feel the same. You were just his assistant and you were no Pepper Pots.

You quickly ran into the drycleaner around the corner of Stark Tower and picked up one of Tony's suits you had dropped by just several hours ago.

"Thank you" you shot a small smile at the old lady behind the counter. You gave her some extra money and ran back out of the store. The gala was already starting in a few hours and you still had to do loads of things. Including making yourself ready. You hoped Tony wouldn't ask too many things from you. You really needed a night out. You already knew however, that he wouldn't give any time to do so.

You made your way across the street again and entered the large building known as Stark Tower. You still couldn't believe you actually worked here. It gave you a great sense of accomplishment that you did.

"Miss Y/L/N" JARVIS his voice echoed through the speakers in the elevator. "Mr. Stark has asked you to join him in the living room"

You sighed, the thought of your night out was slowly fading away and going to another lucky person tonight. "Did he mention why?"

"No, he didn't. I am terribly sorry Miss Y/L/N"

"Alright then, just take me to him please"

The elevator brought you up to the top floor, waiting for a second before the doors slid open with a soft, but high-pitched beep.

"There you are Y/N" Tony cried out, taking a sip from the glass of whiskey in his hands. "You got my suit right?"

"Yes sir, I have it right here" you replied, handing him one of the  many bags in your hand.

Tony put down his glass of whiskey and took the bag from your hand, walking further into the living room. You followed him, tucking a few locks of hair behind your ears.

"Hey Y/N" someone said from inside the kitchen. Natasha was sitting behind the dining table, eating something that resembled shawarma. You sighed once again when you thought about what she was doing. That was one of the many things you still had to do: eat.

"Hey Nat, where's the rest" you asked, walking towards her. Of course you were talking about the rest of the Avengers, who weren't in the building since you didn't hear anyone in the elevator or in the living room.

She raised her shoulders, a small frown on her face. "Haven't seen the boys all day. None of them owned a decent suit, well except for Bruce.  So Tony send them away to buy one. Right now I'm guessing they are getting ready."

You gave her a small nod. And there was another thing you needed to do for tonight. Not that you would be enjoying any of the evening. You'd probably be arranging everything and making sure all the equipment worked. You wanted to sigh but you kept it in, all you asked for was one night of freedom and even that was too much.

"Y/N, is the guy coming tonight?" He spoke loudly from a distance, his brown eyes staring at you with a stern but quesitioning look. "The one I told you to call today"

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