Bucky Barnes catch up (part 1)

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So I decided to add Bucky into my preferences and imagines as well, so this chapter is every preference with Bucky added into them. This is only part 1 of part 2 since in this one I post 8 preference and in the next one as well.

I'm in love with this gif above, the way he smiles and is eyes. <3

Hopefully you'll enjoy!!



How you meet: 

You were helping out an old friend who happened to work in a tattoo job and today you just helped customers with their questions and their appointements so on that day a handsome young man entered the shop.

His eyes searched for someone who could help him and right now that was you, he walked towards you with hesitating steps until you showed a sweet smile, he smiled back and started walking more straight towards you.

"I have a weird question to ask you miss, don't judge me please"

You frowned at how careful the man was after you nodded your head and waited for him to pull up the left sleeve of his shirt, much to your surprise he revealed a metal coloured arm with a red star printed on his shoulderblade.

"Can I tattoo something over it or let it erase or something?"

After some research you discovered that you were able to remove the tattoo with 2 lasering sessions, you also discovered that Bucky liked to take you for drinks after his appointements.

Your name in his phone:


Because you were the light in his life, his special place where he could feel home without anyone else judging. You understood him and you made him feel loved and special in a positive way so that's why he called you 'his' angel, fallen from the sky.

His name in your phone:

Bubble Bucky

Well it was a weird reason but on Valentine you both ordered some presents for each other, they would be delivered at your house at the same day and the same day so when the mailman arrived you both raced to the door and grabbed the presents. He bought you a teddy bear and you bought him a new watch, both wrapped up in bubble wrap that lasted for hours and hours of fun between Bucky and you.

First Kiss: 

You were nervous to say the least, you were about to spend the place where Bucky had been spending the earlier years of his life. You were scared that you were going to say something wrong or that you would make Bucky cry that his parents weren't even alive anymore.

The both of you entered the house in silence, he held oyur hand tightly, not expecting to see the house in the state it was left in many years ago. Pictures were still covering the walls and there were objects on the tables.

You wandered off to the other bedroom, thinking you were going to Bucky but you were wrong once you saw that you were standing in his parents old bedroom. The charm of the room surrounded you and you found yourself enchanted in an old necklace that was hanging out the jewelry box.

The beautiful necklace caught your mind until you saw a hand softly taking its from his place and then you felt the cold, solid of silver touch the back of your neck. 

"Bucky, no. It was your mom's"

He turned you around in his arms and looked at you with those beautiful eyes, gleaming with proud and love when he glanced at you.

"She would be so glad, hearing I found the perfect girl"

And with that he gave you a simple, yet sweet kiss on your lips.


He watched you from the video screen, he was only a few minutes away from you and from coming home but he had followed you on the small screen for a few weeks.

You didn't sleep, you watched the news although you promised Bucky that you wouldn't because you would freak out over the world and Bucky even harder then you already did at the moments that he was on a mission.

Finally he stood at the front door, sticking the key into the hole and turning it around before he heard the click and walked inside. His feet trying to be quiet but you could hear them loud and clear from your position in the living room.

Bucky was back.

You closed your eyes quickly, pretending to be asleep when he entered the living room. The shuffling of his feet came closer and you could hear him let out a short sigh of something that you couldn't place as an emotion.

"I know you're fake sleeping Angel, but I know you're tired so come on and we'll go to bed"

Your eyes opened but you squinted with the dimmed light from the lamp beside you, your arms stretching to feel the gash at Bucky's cheek. Fingertips padding over his cheek as you realized that he indeed was back for you.

He picked your figure up from the couch and started to walk towards the bedroom that you shared with Bucky when he was home.

As soon as he put you down, he saw that you weren't sitting up and that your eyes were closed, which meant you left to your dream world. Bucky let out a small smile, pulled you closer to him and fell asleep with each other close at heart.


Y/N: so what are you doing to occupy yourself?

Bucky: Thinking...

Y/N: about what?

Bucky: I have two words to tell you my Angel

Y/N: And what two words if I can ask

Bucky: I love you..

Y/N: Buck, those are three words though

Bucky: No because 'you' and 'I' count as one <3

Y/N: awee I love you too! <3

Meeting the other Avengers:

You knew all of them so actually it was more like you introducing your boyfriend Bucky to the other Avengers except for Steve who had been his best friend throughout the years.

When he first entered the building, he was looking nervous as hell but he tried to keep his nervous and stressed feelings inside by rubbing his thumb against the skin of your hand, sometimes giving it a little squeeze.

He thought all of them were actually nice, some more likable then others but he thought that he already felt home between the other men and women in the Stark tower.

The night was really nice, Bucky even said that he wanted to have a meet up liike that again sometime in the future and he even switched numbers with all the other guys and girls.

Your song:

"Mirrors" - Justin Timberlake

There was something special about the relationship of you and Bucky, it was like you were the other half of Bucky. Motly thinking the same and feeling the same. When one of you were separated from each other, you could just look into the mirror and put your hand against the glasd, knowing the other half of you would do the same. It was love, two persons turned into one.

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