Chapter 29

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"Hey Rory, how are you feeling?" Paris asked, walking into her office to see her friends waiting.

"Eh, I've been better. This morning sickness thing blows!"

"You've just gotta fake it til you make it!"

"Yeah, not gonna happen! Say that to me again and next time I have to puke, and it'll be in your shoes."

"Logan, did you get that fetal monitor?"

"I did. We've been checking on my baby a couple times a day."

"What heart rate have you been seeing?"

"Right around 160."

"Excellent. We'll do an internal ultrasound today to make sure everything is ok. It's uncomfortable, but gives us better information. Did you already stop by the lab for your blood draw?"

"Yes I did. Have I told you that I hate needles?" Rory asked.

"Yeah, well, get used to it! Pregnancy is one stab after another."

"Something to look forward to."

"How is your appetite? Have you been eating?"

"I do my best."

"She is eating less than usual, but it's basically a normal person meal rather than a Gilmore meal." Logan explained.

"What about drinking? Are you staying hydrated?"

"Are you going to check my urine like Logan does?" Rory asked.

"Seriously Huntzberger? Somehow I'm not surprised, but you really do that?" Paris asked.

"I'm a doctor, that is my baby in Rory's stomach, and she's been throwing up. Yeah, I'm going to check the color to make sure she's staying hydrated."

"Will you please tell Logan that coffee has water in it?"

"Yeah, not gonna happen!" Paris told her. "I already told you that you need to cut back. You can have two cups a day. And NOT Gilmore strength."

"You know just how to make me hate you, don't you?!"

"She's drinking a couple liters of Smart Water every day, and I'm giving her juice too." Logan commented.

"Not the junk kind with all the sugar, right?"

"Paris, I have a PhD in Immunology and Genetics. Do I look like an idiot to you? Rory has two doctors all over her 24/7. I think she talks to you just as much as she talks to me, and I spend 4 days a week, and every night with her. I think Rory has better prenatal care than half of the state."

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