Chapter 113

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Columbia Presbyterian Hospital

May 23, 2017


"Logan, I am so proud of you! I can't believe that you delivered a baby with zero experience." Rory said as she sat in bed, nursing Ayribella.

"I know. It was completely crazy, and I have to admit that I was scared to death about screwing up. Thank God Paris came in minutes after the birth, to finish everything up, because I was flying completely blind."

"What did Paris say about it?"

"Amazingly enough, she actually congratulated me, and told me that I did a good job."

"Wait, what?!"

"I know. It's completely insane! Paris never says anything nice to me! And she even said that if I ever decide that I don't want to run my clinic anymore, that she would be willing to add me to her team."

"Paris said that?"

"Yeah." Logan chuckled.

"Paris Gellar, angry Paris who hates you."

"I know."

"Did you drug her?"

"Nope, but maybe it's sleep deprivation talking because she's been awake for over 22 hours now."

"It's gotta be sleep deprivation, because I just can't picture Paris saying that to you."

"I know. I'm surprised too."

"How is Honor doing?"

"She's alright. Her contractions have gotten stronger, and closer together. She's at about 5 centimeters, and 5 minutes apart. I'm guessing she will be delivering sometime this morning. We are waiting for Anesthesiology to come up to give her an epidural."

"Thank God for drugs!"

"I know. The poor woman whose baby I delivered was completely miserable. The baby's head was already crowning when she got here. We didn't even have time to get her into the computer, or get her up on the monitors. It was completely insane!"

"You sound exhausted."

"I am."

"What time does the next shift come in?"

"7:30, but I am probably going to stay until Honor delivers. I may try to take a nap on the couch in her room when Josh wakes up. I'm on my second cup of coffee. Well, not full cup, Honor stole my last cup after I drank half of it. Things are at least peaceful at the moment, so I'm taking a quick break before I need to go check on everyone."

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