Chapter 106

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"Is everyone ready? The car is coming in the gate." Logan called over the intercom in the Huntzberger home.

Everyone had been running around for the past few hours, packing bags, and trying to get everything situated before loading the car and leaving for Boston for the weekend. April was graduating in just two days, and they had a busy trip scheduled. It was almost 1pm, and everyone seemed frantic. Richard had escaped for a few hours that morning, to get some work finished at HPG, while everyone else was home packing, and waiting for Luke to arrive from Stars Hollow. Emily had finished packing her's and Richard's bags the night before, but had spent the past two hours with Lorelai and Rory, trying to help Rory pack bags for Ayribella and herself. Having just had a baby a couple weeks prior, Rory was questioning everything she pulled out of her closet; whether it even fit her, whether or not it looked decent, whether she could easily breastfeed in it, and whether it would be ruined by the baby's never ending trail of bodily fluids. Being a new mom was tough, and Rory was still getting used to it.

Packing Ayribella's bag was somewhat easier than packing her own, because everything of course looked completely adorable on the baby. Rory just questioned whether she packed enough outfit changes, and diapers. Lorelai and Emily kept reminding her that if worse comes to worse, they can do laundry while they're away, or make a quick run to a store. Having to buy the baby more clothes or diapers wasn't the end of the world. And Lorelai was happy to remind Rory that contrary to what the ridiculous baby blogs say, there is absolutely no need to wash the baby's clothes in any kind of special detergent, or to wash them separately from everybody else's. Fancy baby laundry detergent is a complete scam, and a total waste of money. It doesn't matter what you wash the baby's clothes in, because that baby is still touching your clothes, and whatever detergent, perfume, etc that you have all over yourself, is then all over the baby as well. If the baby isn't allergic to you and what you are wearing, then why would the baby need special laundry detergent to "prevent allergies"? If the laundry detergent is good enough for you, it's good enough for your baby as well. Plus, technically, the more allergens you expose the baby to as an infant, the less likely they are to develop allergies later in life. Isn't that why people purposely allow dogs and cats around their babies? Because developing a tolerance for pet dander prevents the baby from developing an allergy to it. It's the exact same theory as teaching the baby to sleep through noise by running a vacuum, tv, or sound machine in the same room. If the baby gets used to it as an infant, they won't be bothered by it later on.

"Rory! Are you ready yet?" Logan yelled up the stairs a moment later, after seeing Luke bringing some luggage down to the front door.

"Just about!" Lorelai called back.

"Rory is still panicking about what to wear." Luke spoke up.

"Are you serious?! We are going to be in a car for the next 4 hours. What is there to worry about? She can wear pajamas for all I care. No one is going to see her, except for us."

"That's what Lorelai told her. But you know Rory."

"Princess Ayribella is all ready." Richard beamed as he carried his great granddaughter down the stairs. "Do you have her car seat ready to go?"

"It's on the couch in the living room. I can take her, if you'd like." Logan offered.

"That's ok, I am more than happy to help. But if you want to watch over my shoulder to make sure that I am strapping her in correctly, then by all means, please do. It's been a long time since I've had a baby around."

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