Chapter 49

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"Mrs. Huntzberger, I have your Husband and children here to see you." an aide said as she escorted the Huntzberger family into Shira's suite at her rehab center.

"Hello hello!" Shira greeted, kissing Mitchum on the cheek, and hugging him with one arm, then moving to Honor. "Honor, Honey! Look how cute you look! Look at that belly!" she said excitedly, hugging her daughter, then reaching to rub her stomach. "Hi Maxwell! I'm your Grandma! I can't wait to meet you Sweetie!"

"For real?" Rory mouthed, looking to Logan, who just smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Joshua! Hello Honey! You look great! Are you excited to be a Daddy?"

"Hi Shira. I am excited, yes." Josh said as Shira gave him a one armed hug.

"Rory! Sweetheart! Look how great you look! Oh honey, pregnancy definitely agrees with you!" Shira said pulling Rory into a hug, then holding her at arm's length to look her over. "Sweetie, how far along are you now?"

"19 weeks." Rory answered.

"Almost halfway! That is so exciting! Can I feel the baby?"

"Uh, sure." Rory said as Logan gave her an amused smirk.

"Hi sweet girl! Grandma is so excited to meet you! I bet you are such a beautiful little girl! We are going to have so much fun together, you and I!" Rory bit her tongue to keep from laughing, while looking at Logan, Honor, and Josh who all shared the same amused, yet frightened look.

"What the hell?!" Honor mouthed from behind Shira.

"Logan! My sweet little boy! I am so happy to see you Honey!" Shira said excitedly hugging her son next.

"Sorry ,allergies." Rory said, suddenly rubbing her nose, and covering her mouth with her hand, trying to cover up the laugh that started to slip out.

"Honey, you look so happy! Are you ready to be a daddy?"

"I am Mom." Logan smiled as he reached for Rory's hand. "How are you doing? Are you doing ok?"

"I am doing wonderful! Thank you so much for asking Sweetie. I am so happy to have you all here! How was your flight? I hope it wasn't too bad."

"It was good Mom. We took the jet." Honor told her.

"Mitchum, Dear, how are you? How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing well Shira." Mitchum answered. "You look nice today."

"Thank you Dear! It is so nice to see you all! Come come, sit sit." Shira said holding her arms out and gesturing to the couches in her sitting room. "Would anyone like something to eat or drink?"

"I'll take a bottle of water if you have some." Honor said as she took a seat on one of the couches, with her husband.

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