Yandere!Nekozawa - Black Magic

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Enjoy @AhiruElric

I walked down the corridor, completely lost yet again as I wandered through the overwhelmingly large school. Why had my parent's made me transfer here anyhow, just because Father got promoted to a higher position within the... family business.

I know that I wouldn't be accepted openly by the students here, other than those who are also from similar families. Hopefully some of them would be nice, since most of the boys I had met in the past seemed rather scary.

Seeing a couple girls go into a room at the top of some stairs, I quickly climbed up and read the sign. 3rd music room? Just how many did they need? Oh well, as long as someone can help me figure out how to get back to the office so I could get my schedule and a map of this place, I should be fine!

I slowly reached out and opened the door, completely unprepared for the sights before me as I walked inside. Elegantly decorated, the entire room was filled with tables and couches where groups of girls sat cooing over the boys scattered about.

"Hmm. (y/n)(y/l/n). I was not expecting to see you here so quickly. Did you wish to designate a Host today?" I jumped in shock at the sudden voice coming from behind me.

Spinning about, I was greeted by a dark-haired boy wearing glasses, a notebook open in his hands as he took notes. He only stopped his writing for a moment as he glanced up at me before his attention returned to whatever he was writing down.

Hearing a sudden commotion from behind me, I turned yet again to see a boy wearing a dark robe talking to a brunette boy who was being pulled back by a frightened looking blonde. It seemed to be something about black magic and curse dolls.

A pair of twins to the side caught my eye as they began chuckling over a flashlight. Seeing them start moving towards the robed student, I tried to catch up to them to stop whatever they had planned that caused such a horrid grin to adorn their faces.

Sadly I was too late and the poor boy was soon screaming in fear and running through a pair of doors that I had not noticed before.

"That was a cruel thing to do! You should be ashamed of yourselves for such horrid behavior!" I yelled at the matching boys, angry that they had treated another student like that.

Were these really the kinds of students I would have to deal with on a daily basis at this school? Turning away from the annoyed looking twins, I walked towards the doors the boy had escaped through and tried opening them. I felt a wave of disappointment when I found them to seemingly be locked shut. Resting my head against the door for a moment, I lifted a hand up and pressed it against the surface.

"I'm sorry they were so cruel to you, whoever you were. Someday they will hopefully understand how wrong it was to behave in such a way. If you ever need a friend, please find me. I would be happy to talk with you and learn more about you." Turning to frown at the boys that had walked off to mingle with their guests again, I shook my head before walking to the other doors, not caring if I knew where I was going anymore as long as I was away from these ill mannered boys.

Unknown to me or anyone else, on the other side of the doors I had been whispering to leaned a blue-eyed boy in robes. A deep blush was being hidden behind a single pale hand as he looked down at the cat puppet he wore on the other.

"Beelzenef, what do you think? She seemed nice. She even said she wants to be friends."


For the next few weeks, I spent time visiting with Nekozawa-senpai every chance I had, as he was one of the few that didn't seem either upset over how I talked to the twins or nervous about my Father's... work.

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