Kasamatsu Yukio (KnB) - Into You

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I rested my head on his chest, closing my eyes as I listened to his heart's gentle beat under my ear. The feeling of his fingers combing lightly through my hair made me sigh in happiness. Even after all this time I still couldn't believe I had been able to capture the love of such an awkward but sweet young man.

"Yukio-kun, tell me again why you fell in love with me?" I opened my eyes and pushed myself up from his chest to look into his blue eyes, his lips curling up into a smile as he gave a small laugh.

"You ask this question so often, surely you know the whole thing by heart. Do I really need to tell you again?" I lowered myself down just enough to press a soft kiss to his lips before pulling back, looking at him as that cute blush of red spread across his cheeks as he turned his gaze to the side for a moment.

"I know every word of it, of course. I just like hearing you tell me because every time you do, I fall a bit more in love with you and I want to love you as much as it is possible to love someone. Please, Yukio-kun? Let me love you a bit more than I already do?" I smiled at him as he brought a hand up to cover his face, still so embarrassed when he heard words like these from me.

"O-of course I want you to love me as much as you can! After all, you need to love me as much as I love you, right?" By the end, the red of his cheeks had spread far beyond what his hand could cover but all I could do was blush back and smile happily at his words.

Kissing him once on the tip of his nose, I turned and scooted around until I was curled against his side, my eyes wide as I waited for the story to start. As soon as the first words left his lips, I could feel my heart swelling with joy as I let myself remember the day in question.


(Flashback Begins)

It had all started early in his third year of high school, when he'd heard the sound of someone singing softly to a simple melody as he walked down the hallway. The school should have been empty this late in the day, but he had left his stuff in the classroom since he had to stay late for the practice match.

Wondering who else would be here this late and why, Kasamatsu slowly walked towards the room the sound was coming from. The door was already half open, so he simply peeked through the opening and looked around the room, his jaw dropping at the sight that he found.

Sitting in the corner of the room, her eyes closed as her fingers danced across the strings of an old guitar, was a (h/c)-haired girl singing to the sounds she brought forth from the instrument. She might not have been the best singer or the best player he'd ever heard, but for some reason the song she was creating before him made his heart ache.

He wasn't sure how long he stood there listening, all he knew was that suddenly the song came to and end and he was left there in shock at the loss of sound. Just before she turned towards the door and saw him, he managed to hurry down the hall and slip into the room he had been heading for earlier, hand on his chest as he felt his heart beating.

He felt like it was trying to burst out of his chest and go back to where the girl had been sitting, finding himself wanting to see her again and hear that soft voice in his ears. Shaking himself out of the daze he was in, he gathered his stuff and peered out into the hall in time to see the (h/c)-haired girl turn around a corner and vanish from his sight.

He refused to admit that his heart gave a small twinge when he turned away and started walking the other direction, taking a different route home.


It was a couple more days before he could hear the girl play her song again, once more becoming lost in the sound of her voice winding around the the music she played. That same beaten looking guitar was cradled in her arms like a treasure, her eyes shut as her head bowed over the instrument.

He watched her hands closely as she played, amazed that her fingers could stretch far enough to reach some of the harder placements for the chords she was using, but somehow she managed it. He didn't even notice the next 15 minutes pass as he hid himself and watched her, memorizing the expressions that passed across her face.

From the frowns that would cause her brow to furrow, the smiles that would make her whole face light up, even the tears that would escape the corner of her eyes from time to time, everything captivated him as much as the song itself. It was obvious to him that she was putting her heart and soul into creating this song.

And when the song was over and she was done repeating it for the night he went home, with a bigger part of himself than he wanted to admit to, simply wishing that he could give her a reason to play a happier song.

That weekend, after having heard her play once more during the week, he couldn't seem to stop himself from bringing out his guitar and playing what he could remember of her song.


A few weeks later, Kasamatsu found himself eager for classes to end and him to be able to find the girl that had managed to steal his heart without even really meeting him. When the final bell rang, he watched the students file out of the classroom before standing up and exiting into the hallway, turning to head towards the class she sang in each night.

He couldn't even keep track of how many times he had listened to her, practicing her song when he was unable to hear her play, imagining she was singing to him as he gently strummed his guitar. And each time, he would alter a few notes here or a chord there, until finally the song had become something new.

With his guitar in its case, resting on his back, he went into the room she would be arriving in shortly and pulled out his instrument. It was time to say hello to her, the best way he could. The first gentle notes slowly began caressing the air, a (h/c)-haired girl standing frozen in the hallway outside for a moment before taking the last few steps to enter the room.

The girl's voice soon joined the music to dance around the sounds of the new, yet familiar song. A song that spoke to both of them of a tentative future together.


(Flashback Ends)

"And that was the day we truly met each other. It's also the day you asked me out, being the daring young lady that you are." Leaning over me, he slowly brought his face closer to mine, until finally our lips met in a tender kiss full of fond memories before he pulled back to look down at me with a smile.

"I love you, Yukio-kun. My dear, sweet husband." I smiled up at him, one hand running through his short hair as I felt my heart fill with contentment.

"I love you too, (y/n)-chan. I'll always love you. You stole my heart the moment I heard you sing and ever since then I've spent every day falling more and more in love with you. The happiest day of my life, was the day I got to call you mine. My wife, my lover, my everything." This time, the kiss we shared was full of love and hope, hope for a long future together.

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