2. spaceships and officers

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in which dean winchester is an air force officer and works for the stargate program

romantic relationships
dean winchester x matthew scott

platonic relationships

jensen ackles as colonel dean winchester
brian j smith as lieutenant matthew scott
richard dean anderson as major general jack o'neill
misha collins as colonel james castiel novak
jared padalecki as doctor samuel winchester

stargate universe

Dean Winchester followed in the footsteps of his father and joined up to the US Air Force when he turned eighteen. While his father was in the Navy, Dean wanted to be in the always wanted to fly, and so he joined the Air Force when he was eighteen. He also grew up in a world where finding your soulmate was common, that the first words you spoke to each other are tattooed into your soulmates skin.

Dean Winchester was born a blank, therefore he never believed he would ever find his soulmate, until he turned six. It was on his sixth birthday that Dean's soulmark appeared on his hip, just above where his trousers stopped. The words, 'not my kind of people, sir. I've heard a lot about you, Colonel Winchester, it's an honour'. Have been engraved into his mind, and he never understood what they meant until he enlisted. Initially he wanted to be a soldier, to fight for his country but soon he became a highly decorated officer, a Colonel by his thirty-second birthday. Youngest in years.

"General O'Neill?" Dean asked, stepping into the generals office pensively. "You wished to see me, sir?" Dean had been in the stargate program for almost four years now, and while he knew who the General was and his service it was understandable that he was nervous. He'd worked two tours in Atlantis before requesting a post at Stargate Command to be closer to his brother and Uncle.

"Colonel Winchester." O'Neill greeted happily, motioning for the thirty-two-year-old to take a seat. He did so, fiddling with a necklace his brother had given him when they were kids. "You're being promoted, Dean." Dean blinked.

"Excuse me?" The General didn't seem shocked by his words, instead he let out a laugh that echoed through his office.

"I can only put you in charge of this mission if you are a full-bird Colonel," Jack said dismissively.

"What mission?" Dean asked curiously.

"We found the Icarus type planet needed to dial the ninth chevron, Dean. And I want you in charge of the mission through the gate with three other officers of your choice." Dean blinked, shocked at what he was hearing, but accepted the job easily.

"Well, I get to choose the three other colonels, right?" When O'Neill nodded, Dean had already come up with three names.

"I want Colonel Young, Colonel Novak and Colonel Telford."

Two months later Dean was saying his goodbyes to his brother. His mother had died when they were kids, and their father was an alcoholic, so neither brother had any contact with the man once Dean had turned eighteen and gotten them the hell outta there.

"Where are you going, Dean?" Sam asked him curiously the morning before he left. Sam had become a military contractor after dropping out of Law School when his fiancé and unborn child were killed in an arson fire, working in parts of Afghanistan and Iraq even Dean hadn't been. He was saving lives and Dean couldn't have been prouder.

"It's classified Sammy, you know that better than anyone what that's like." And that was that the two brothers knew that they'd see each other again.

Dean was talking with his best friend, Colonel Castiel James Novak quietly when they were approached by a group of officers that had been sent by General O'Neill.

"Ah, you guys must be the team O'Neill chose for the mission." Castiel mused, shaking each of their hands kindly. "I'm Colonel Novak, this is Colonel Winchester." Once introductions were out of the way, most of the soldiers fell into their own conversations, all except one. He stood a bit away from the group, looking around the ship they were on, The Hammond.

"Why aren't you with the rest, Lieutenant?" Dean asked curiously. He took note of how the lieutenant stiffened but said nothing of it.

"Not my kind of people, sir. I've heard a lot about you, Colonel Winchester, it's an honour." Dean jerked back, shocked. He'd never even once thought he'd ever meet his soulmate, especially in the same line of work as him, on the same mission going to the same place.

"Well, it certainly is an honour, Lieutenant," Dean smirked, catching the lieutenant off guard. Matthew, like Dean, had never believed it's possible to have found his soulmate, in the same line of work as him.

"I'm Matthew Scott, by the way." Matt added, holding his hand out for Dean to shake.

"Dean Winchester."


authors note
i really like this one guys

check out my spin off for this oneshot
universal || stargate universe/supernatural crossover

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