42. the drinking buddies

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in which once a week elena joins castiel once a week for drinks at a bar

romantic relationships
meg masters x castiel ( past )

platonic relationships
elena gilbert & castiel novak


nina dobrev as elena gilbert

misha collins as castiel novak



the vampire diaries

Elena Gilbert sat down at the table opposite the familiar dark haired angel. She had met him around 3 months before when he offered to buy her a round when she seemed completely miserable. Since then Elena would regularly drive out to the bar to meet with Castiel, the angel who seemed to be quite depressed.

"You know." Elena began after downing her second shot, leaning forward on the bar. "You haven't told me what's going on with you."

"Hmmm?" Castiel hummed in questioning, frowning at the vampire.

"We've been meeting here for months, and you've listened to me ramble about my crappy life. But i don't actually know a single thing about you." Cas raised an eyebrow at her, but nodded none the less.

"Alright, what do you want to know?"

"Why do you come here?"

"To drink away the pain." She blinked, clearly not expecting that answer.

"Who did you loose?" Cas looked down at his empty glass for a brief moment.

"My older brother and my fiancé." He then admitted. "Gabriel was killed by my dick of an older brother Lucifer, and Meg was killed by my best friend."

"Why did your best friend kill your fiancé?" Elena asked in shock.

"Because she was a demon working for Crowley." Is all Cas replied with. Castiel had explained the whole heaven and hell thing to her, as well as detailing his whole world after she had.

"Did he know?" Elena asked after a moment, and Cas shook his head.

"He knew how i felt about her, but i know he was just trying to protect me." Elena slid one of her shots across the table to him, picking up her own.

"A toast, to lost loved ones and dumbass best friends."

"Cheers to that." Cas picked up his own shot and clinked it with hers before downing it. "Well i should get back before Dean realises i disappeared again."

"Same time next week?" Elena asked hopefully.

"Of course."

authors note

the inspiration for this one kinda got lost in the 11 months its sat in my drafts so i thought i'd make it short and sweet.

btw, in this castiel and meg loved each other and meg had asked cas to marry her, and he'd said yes. they were supposed to get married later that week but dean mistook her for the demon working for crowley and killed her. as for gabriel, cas and gabe were close before the starting and ending of the apocalypse, and cas was as heartbroken as an angel with no emotional experience could be when lucifer killed him.

hope this helps the understanding of cas, comment if anything else doesn't make sense


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