55. scars

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in which magnus finds out alec is insecure about his scars

magnus bane x alexander lightwood

matthew daddario as alec lightwood
harry shum jr as magnus bane


Magnus held a deep love for Alec, one he hadn't quite felt before. But Magnus had noticed that Alec was quite insecure about himself, particularly about his scars. As a shadowhunter it was only normal for them to accumulate a large number of scars in their life times, but Alec still seemed to be insecure of them, and Magnus wasn't entirely sure why.

"Alexander. Why do you always wear so many layers?" Magnus asked one night. "It's not that i have a problem with it, i'm merely curious." They were lounging on the couch with a blanket thrown over both of them, and Alec was wearing a knit sweater with far too many holes and had his back against Magnus' chest, and while Magnus had opted for a short sleeved top and silk shorts since it was quite warm in his apartment, Alec was wearing sweatpants and a pair of fluffy socks. Alec didn't answer for a moment, playing with the warlock's fingers gently for a moment.

"My scars." Alec replied quietly and for a moment Magnus thought he had misheard Alec.

"What about them?" Magnus replied, albeit slightly confused.

"I dunno." Alec shrugged his shoulders. "I guess it just makes me feel... less secure when people can see my scars."

"But you're a shadowhunter." Magnus said, confused. "You all have scars don't you?"

"Maybe a few here and there. But I'm quite clumsy, so i tend to end up with a few extra cuts during missions." Alec brought Magnus's hand up to Alec's neck, pointing to a scar that until then Magnus hadn't noticed. "Shax Demon when i was 15. I uh, tripped over a large metal box and it dug its nails into my neck." Magnus traced the three dots for moment. "A mundane would have been paralysed from that." Alec rolled up his left sleeve, exposing a long white line in the middle of his forearm.

"Alexander. Is that-" Alec didn't let the warlock continue, letting out a soft laugh.

"It's not what you think, i swear." Alec could feel the tension leak from the warlock. "This was a complete accident. Izzy wanted to go feed the ducks in central park when she was 12. Me and Jace took her and it's when we found out about Jace's irrational fear of ducks actually," Magnus chuckled softly, "and on our way back i, uh, fell over something and slashed my arm open on some broken glass when i hit the ground." Magnus burst into laugher, his body shaking Alec's since the shadowhunter was laying against him. "Its not funny." Alec protested.

"No no of course not." Magnus replied when he had gotten his laughter under control, though a snigger still passed his lips every few seconds. "Its just, i've never met such a clumsy Lightwood before."

"My mother always scolded me when i'd get hurt." Alec mumbled into the silence. "I decided not to tell her, so they healed the mundane way and scarred."

"Well." Magnus trailed his fingers across the scars, light and teasing. "I love you, no matter how many scars you have."

"I love you too." Alec tucked his head into the crook of Magnus' neck, relaxing into the High Warlock's comforting grip. Magnus didn't protest, merely tightening his arms to hug Alec closer and pressing his lips against Alec's head for a moment.

"Rest easy darling. I'll still be here when you wake." Alec felt himself drift off to sleep, a warm blanket of security wrapping around him. Nobody made Alec feel safer or calmer than Magnus Bane.

authors note
i lovve the ending. malec are my absolute faves so i write a lot of malec sorry not sorry

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