32. destiel

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in which after returning from the empty cas snaps

dean winchester x castiel

jensen ackles as dean winchester
misha collins as castiel


There were many things that Dean didn't expect from his boyfriend, but that didn't mean they wouldn't occasionally bubble to the surface, and today just happened to be one of those days.

"Cas?" Dean was hesitant to enter their shared bedroom after the angel had chewed him out in the library before turning around and walking out of the room, leaving a very shocked Sam, Dean and Jack still in the library.

"Does this usually happen?" Jack had asked Sam in a low voice, obviously not wanting to annoy Dean.

"Not usually, no." Sam had replied but Dean hadn't heard anymore of the conversation as he'd already left the room.

Which lead him here, standing uncomfortably in the doorway to his bedroom where the angel was, sitting on the bed with his head in his hands and he seemed to be shaking slightly.

"You alright?" The angel didn't even look up from the ground, but Dean didn't let that deter him and moved across the room to sit down on the bed beside him, allowing his knee to brush against Cas'.

"I'm sorry Dean." Cas barely uttered but Dean caught it.

"Don't sweat it Cas." Dean assured him. "But what happened?" Cas finally sat up properly, keeping his eyes focused on anything but Dean.

"I don't know." He sighed. "I was just, so angry, and a little scared." He admitted.

"What's going on man?"

"Dean, the empty was horrifying, and to wake up there?" Dean could see a haunted look in his boyfriends eye. "I had realised that I was never going to meet Jack, I was never going to see Sam again or you," his voice cracked, "it was horrific." Dean sighed, pulling one of his arms over the angels shoulders and pulling him closer, allowing the angel to rest his head against the hunters shoulder comfortably.

"Listen, I know the last few days have been rough for you. Getting your bearings, allowing yourself to grow close to Jack, I know damn well that's not easy for you. But I know you Cas, and you can do anything." Dean silently cheered when he saw the angel crack a small grin. "Now no more chick flick moments, alright? I don't know about you, but I am dead, so I am going to sleep." Dean looked down at his angel. "I'd feel a lot better knowing you were beside me."

"Of course Dean."

authors note

This one was small but cute and eeeekkk. I wrote this while extremely tired just in from work i'm going to sleep now night bitches

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