93. permanent ink

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the first time rodney mckay got a tattoo was against his will
2 times rodney was forcefully tattooed by his kidnappers, and one time he was not


david hewlett as rodney mckay
joe flanigan as john sheppard
rachel luttrell ad teyla emmagan
jason momoa as ronon dex
torri higginson as elizabeth weir
kavan smith as evan lorne
paul mcgillion as carson beckett
jewel saite as jennifer keller

stargate atlantis

(this rodney mckay is a little au)


The people of this world were harsh and brutal, which became obvious to everyone when Rodney was yanked out of the cage they had been forced into in the middle of the village, and taken into one of the tents. John and Ronon had kept their eyes on the tent all night, until the early hours of the morning Rodney had been pushed back out the tent and into the cage, and hadn't spoken a word in a very un-McKay way.

"Rodney?" Teyla asked softly, reaching out catch his attention. It worked, because Rodney snapped his head up to look at Teyla with wide eyes.

"Oh, sorry." Rodney mumbled.

"What happened?"

"They didn't kill or rape me, if that's what your wondering." Rodney snapped, then shook his head. "It's traditional for the 'pure' man of the group passing through the village - if you can call this passing - to receive ink of their ancestors."

"They tattooed you?" John asked in disbelief.

"Oh yeah."

"Where?" There was no ink visible on Rodney's skin, and Rodney yanked his dirt covered shirt over his head to show the black and blue ink that spread across Rodney's surprisingly toned upper body, curling around his shoulder and down his spine in long dark lines. "Christ."

"You're up next Shep." Rodney yanked his top back on.

"No, i already have ink." John shook his head, then winced.

"Since when?"

"Look, i was nineteen and dumb and in my second year of college. Besides, regulation's forbid too much ink and i already have the limited amount of ink allowed." John said uncharacteristically calmly.

"I will go next then." Teyla decided. "I do not have any ink, and if it is an honour to these people to be marked by their ancestors, then i will take it with pride."

"It really fucking hurts by the way." Rodney couldn't help but add, merely glaring back at John and Ronon.

Lorne and his men arrived in the village just after sun down and rescued them, and they left the village without a single casualty as the village chief let them go with the warning - "only those with the marks of the ancestors drawn by the shaman may return to the village." And then they were back on Atlantis, and Carson and Keller were rubbing some kind of healing balm on Rodney's red inflamed but luckily not infected skin and ink, all while Elizabeth looked understandably confused.

"So what happened?" She asked.

"When we got to the planet almost immediately we were surrounded by men and women carrying spears and crossbows." John explained. "We agreed to go back to the village and were stripped of everything but clothes and shoes and shoved into this metal cage in the middle of the village. Rodney here was taken by the village chief into a tent a while later."

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