64. the hellhounds

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in which alec is chosen to become the hellhound, a hunter of hell itself

alec lightwood x magnus bane

matthew daddario as alec lightwood
dominic sherwood as jace herondale
emeraude toubia as izzy lightwood
alisha wainwright as maia roberts
isaiah mustafa as luke garroway
harry shum jr as magnus bane
sophie walker as caterina loss
katherine mcnamara as  clary fray
alberto rosende as simon lewis


It was well know in the Shadowhunter community that every few centuries a shadowhunter would be gifted the essence of the hellhound, a werewolf-like creature with orange eyes and fur that takes after the person's body hair. It is said that when a person is chosen, if they have a Parabatai that person will follow with the change within the month. Each hellhound was gifted immortality, but the legend says those who were left were slaughtered by Valentine during the first uprising. The Lightwood bloodline had been one of the families the hellhound had chosen, along with the Herondales, Branwell's, Blackthorns, Fairchild's and the Trueblood's.

The training room of the New York Insitute was relatively quiet that afternoon, the only sound coming from the tall figure of Alexander Lightwood who was violently attacking one of the training dummies. The last few days Alec had felt uneasy, his skin itchy and he was constantly snapping at everyone for no reason. Jace was the one to find Alec in the training room curled in on himself, running a high fever.

"Alec!" Jace swore as Alec dropped to the ground, sprinting across the training floor and falling to his knees in front of Alec and grabbing his shoulders to steady him.

"Jace." Alec grunted out, his eyes shut and skin burning. "What- what's happening?"

"Open your eyes, Alec." Jace prompted, hoping he was wrong. Jace had grown up hearing of the Hellhound tale, his father telling him how they had been slaughtered in the Uprising. "Please Alec." Reluctantly Alec forced his eyes open and Jace gasped, throwing himself backwards just as Alec's bones began to snap. Alec screamed out, eyes glowing a bright orange that seemed to be seeping into the back of his iris and the white of his eyes. Jace scrambled to his feet, throwing himself at the red lockdown button on the wall as Alec screamed louder only to fall silent. The whole Insitute lit up red, clear doors closing around the training room and going cloudy, and Alec looked up with orange eyes and a feral snarl.

"What's going on?" Aldertree asked Izzy, who was searching through the security feed seconds after the lockdown went into effect.

"I have no idea." Izzy mumbled, not really paying attention to the British Shadowhunter and looking at her screens. "The lockdown alarm in the training room was hit."

"Who was in there?" Aldertree asked as Clary and Simon jogged up, curious.

"That's what i'm finding out." Izzy mumbled, the feed to the training room finally coming up on screen to show Jace and Alec in the training room. "It's Jace and Alec..."

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