[19] Not Smart Enough (Logicality)

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Original: September 4, 2017

July 4, 2018
Holy shit, this is long. I didn't change much but it's good. 👌 I think the next one is still Logicality...

Logan's POV

Thomas and I were just planning on how to prevent him from procrastinating, when suddenly, Roman 'summoned' himself.

"Did someone say Prince?"

We blinked, since no one even said Prince.

"Roman, can you please leave? Thomas and I were just planning ways as to how he can stop procrastinating."

"Hey, I want to join!"

Ever since that part, Roman kept throwing all his suggestions and Thomas kept jotting it down. A few moments later, Patton and Virgil came into the picture.

"Hey there, kiddos! I was wondering- oh, nevermind! What are you guys all up to?"

Roman told Patton that we (more like they, I haven't been participating since he arrived) were planning how to get rid of procrastinating. I looked over to Virgil and said, "Are you not going to participate?"

He clicked his tongue. "Yeah, no. I got dragged into this by Pat. Why aren't you the one helping? I thought you were smart enough. Whatever, I'm going to my room."

He started to sink down afterwards. I stared at them, inserting some of my own suggestions but they seem to shoot it down. I got furious at one point, but what hurt me the most was when Roman got really infuriated with me.

"You're not helping Thomas right now. Are you not smart enough?"

I was stunned. I recomposed myself and said, "It seems that my presence here is no longer needed. Thomas, if you ever need me, just summon me."

I sank down to my room. I started hearing these thoughts.

You're not smart enough.

Look at you.



Better off dead.

Not smart.

Not smart.

Not smart.

The thoughts keep coming. I feel myself breathe in an uneven manner. I felt liquid from my eyes start dripping down to my cheeks, then proceeding to the floor. I smiled, so this is how it feels like to be really sad.

My smile faded as I started to full on cry. I cried, wailed, bawled, sobbed, weeped, you name it. I cried really hard that night.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, and I look up to see Patton's face. I felt tears gather up my eyes and I felt them drop to the ground once more. I hugged Patton as tight as I could.

Even though I cannot stand the others, I still feel a slight understanding on how they go through. Patton goes through all of Thomas' feelings, and sometimes, they are really extreme.

Roman gets really overloaded, and so does Virgil. Sometimes, I would hear soft crying outside of Patton's room, knowing that Virgil is there. What really surprised me was when I passed by Roman's room that one time. I heard a few sniffles here and there, and a couple of other sounds.

This is the first time I cried, openly I mean. I know I am a logical trait but that does not mean I do not possess any emotions. They are just simply, 'icky.'

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