[35] Things Pt. 4

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October 14, 2017

The Disney Channels weren't complete sooo...


Virgil last year: *wears a Anakin Skywalker costume*
Virgil this year: *wears a Darth Vader costume*
Patton: What do you want next year?
Virgil: Maybe Hans Solo or something...


Roman: I can't cook fried chicken.
Virgil: Oh please, I can't cook an egg.
Roman: Well, I can't boil an egg!
Virgil: Pfft, I can't even boil water.


Logan: It's an agreement between two parties.
Roman: Did someone say parties?
Logan: I meant people. Two people.


Roman: What's propitiation?
Logan: I don't think we should get into that topic.
Roman: Is it a bad thing?
Logan: It's a good thing.
Virgil: Really? I hoped it was a bad thing.


Logan: What did you learn from this topic?
Roman: Nothing.
Logan: ... Okay, Patton?
Patton: Nothing too!
Logan: (-_-) zzz


Virgil: What is the law of life?


Logan: The law of the pig life is to...
Patton: Eat?
Logan: Eat!
Patton: *shook*

ヽ( ´¬')ノ

Logan: You don't expect an apple tree to roll in the mud.
Patton: You can if you believe!

┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Logan: Since this topic is too deep, let me dumb it down for you guys.
Roman: Hey!


Roman: If you sin—
Virgil: YOU DIE!
Roman: ...


(Not Sander Sides)

Person: All you got to do...
Me in real life: *stares and nods*


Logan: If I slap you, are you going to let me slap you again?
Virgil: *shakes head*
Logan: Your going to fight back, right?
Virgil: *shakes head again* No, I'm gonna run.


Logan: We're dogs, we're kind of like dogs.
Patton: Uhh, I love dogs.


"You need to express cat."

Other sides: *looks at Virgil*


⌒(=๏ x ๏=)⌒

Logan: He's a Bottom.
Virgil: *freezes and mumbles* Me and my dirty mind.
Logan: What did you say?
Virgil: Uh...


So my friend's school had this thing where there were red, green, yellow, and blue t-shirts. They were teams, sounds familiar? Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. So they had a team fight. Sounds like house cups.

So, in the end, the 'Hufflepuff' team won. She was like, "I will HUFF-LE-PUFF and blow your house down!"

And I was like OMG YES!

Another funny thing, she's a Slytherin inside a 'Gryffindor' team. Her friend's a Gryffindor in the 'Hufflepuff' team, and her other friend was a Gryffindor in the 'Slytherin' team.

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