[135] Basically Me Trying To Write Something For Christmas

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Written: December 25
Notes: After disappearing for a month or so, I finally decide to publish a half-assed oneshot. Uhh, it's not even half-assed, probably one-tenth assed. *curls up and dies in a hole while watching anime* That's the reason why I disappear—

The sides were in the common room, laughing and merrying with each other. They all loved the season, and there was no words needed to be exchanged just to see their excitement for this. No matter how much Virgil or Logan complained about this, Patton and Roman could tell they love it as much as they did as well.

"Lo! Virge! Wanna watch a movie with us? Y'know, 'cause it's Christmas and all... I thought we could do something together? As a famILY?"

Virgil and Logan looked at each other and shrugged at that suggestion.

"I don't see the problem."

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