[32] Things

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September 23, 2017

These are things my churchmates said that reminded me of the sides. I am Logan most of these times, except the first.

Let's begin!


Roman: Bloody Dory!
Logan: What do you mean?
Patton: Its just an expression.
Logan: ... I'm confused


Virgil: I don't speak Disney.


Virgil: The chicken was so good-
Patton: Why did you eat it?!
Logan: It's not yet eating time.


Roman: When you are shipwrecked, your not stuck.
Virgil: But you ARE stuck.


Virgil: The sins your gonna do are gonna get bigger and bigger and bigger. And your not gonna feel guilt anymore!

( ´ ▽ ' )ノ

Roman: *stretches*
Patton and Logan: Ahh! My eyes!!
Virgil: You need a bigger shirt, my friend.


Roman: My friend's gonna commit suicide because- *shakes hand furiously*
Patton: Because he got a paper cut?
Logan: Who in the world would commit suicide because of a paper cut?
Virgil: Me.


Virgil: UhhhhhhHhhhHHHHHH...

(Not kidding, my friend was saying this and it was gradually getting louder.)


Roman: What's the big deal of being shipwrecked?
Logan: No food!
Roman: ... No...


Virgil: My life's a lie.


Patton: They went to this park, a Disneyland.


Patton: Any questions?
Logan: The only question is when are we going to eat?


*Virgil and Roman are playing Hide and Seek*

Roman: Is Virgil here?
Logan and Patton: *is hiding Virgil* Nope...
Roman: Okay. *walks out*
Patton: Oh no! We lied, we don't have clear conscience.
Roman: *walks back in*
Logan: He's right here. Sorry, Virgil, we cannot lie.
Virgil: *grumbles*


Shout out to FloofyFriskFandoms for being an awesome human!

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