xviii. the dream

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She found herself by the Black Lake. It was a sunny day, and looked as though it was the middle of the summer. She glances ahead and recognised a familiar face.

"Harry?" she says, walking towards him. He had been smiling. "What are you doing here?"

"Come on." he says, "Let's go."

No words could be said for the boy turns away and walks towards the castle. She follows him, but he walks faster.

"Harry, where are you going?" she asks, but she doesn't reply.

She follows him up a hill, (she didn't see this hill before,) she found it took her a long time to get up the hill, - there was a lot of things in the way, rocks, trees, bushes, - unlike him who had been there in seconds.

Eventually she does, he stops, and looks down at her.

"Why didn't you wait?" she asks.

"Why did it take you so long?"

Her brows furrow. "So long to what?" he gestures to the bottom of the hill. All the stuff was gone now, part of her forgot it was there. "Oh, well, I guess all that stuff was in the way."

"I think perhaps you're the one who was putting them all there."

She looks back down, and saw there was a clear path going up on the hill, yet she took the much longer one..

"Not on purpose-"

"Maybe because you're scared?" he interrupted, his eyebrows raising softly. She was getting more confused by the second. What was she scared of?

"Scared?" she repeated softly. "What would I be scared of?"

He steps forward, closing the space between them. Instantly her eyes widen - she was used to being rather close with him, but this time he was so close to her, they might as well have been hugging. He lifts his right hand, and places it on the side of her face. She told herself she wanted to pull away, she should have but she didn't want to.

"W-What are you doing, Har?"

"Can I show you?" he asks.

He didn't move, until she nods, and her eyes fall down to his lips.

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