xiii. a lonesome christmas

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Christmas in Aleksander Mansion is quiet.

Once the Yule Ball ended, the following day she took the train straight back to England. She was so hungover, she wasn't even sure if she took the right train.

On the fourth floor of the house, in the last room in the hallway Aurora lies asleep. From looking at the girl anyone could tell she was uncomfortable - her head was dug underneath her pillow, she had several blankets wrapped around her body, and her arm hung against the switch of her night-light.

When the clock on the wall in her bedroom reaches five in the morning a metallic-vibrating noise echoes throughout the bedroom. Instantly, the black haired girl is awake and softly climbs out of bed.

She quickly makes her way over towards the door and when she is there she softly locks it. Carefully, she moves back over towards the centre of the room where she lies down across the floor. After a second, she began to workout.

And so she continues to do so.

Since returning home, she hadn't gotten one letter off Harry or Ron. Both of them hadn't been talking to her and Hermione - it was childish really. This had been the first time they all hadn't spoken. She didn't know why Harry got so annoyed with her over not offering to go as his date.

Why would he be so mad about that? Plus when he said "Gross," referring to the both of them being together, what was that about?

He would be lucky to end up with someone like her, she thinks. She doesn't understand why he was so annoyed, that was the problem. She went with Luke because he was her friend.

Plus why would he have wanted to go with her to the ball?

For the next few minutes she continues doing sit-ups on the ground: Today was an important day, or at least she was told. Every Christmas ball she attended, especially since she was getting older and in her family she was expected to find a Suitor.

Not that she wanted one.

She just kept up the appearance that she did.

When the clock strikes six o clock, she stands up quickly and unlocks the door. In the span of three seconds, she gets back under the covers and shuts her eyes and attempts to appear as though she was sleeping.

A knock arrived on the door almost seconds later, and footsteps enter the room. "Miss Black!" the curtains are pulls open. "Awake! Awake!"

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