Chapter Thirty-Three: Dippet is an Idiot

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"Tell me

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"Tell me.. What's the extreme of depression? It's hysteria. What is the extreme of laughs but tears? And the extreme of screams is silence while the extreme of pain is sedation."

― Noha Alaa El-Din


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I wake up still asleep on Tom.

I stumble back in surprise and horror, hitting the floor quite hard. "Ow," I grumble, and someone hauls me up by my arm.

"Morning, Oceana." Avery's voice rings in my ear. I look up to see Avery smirking at me.

"Morning," I grumble, my eyes narrowing at the awful nickname. He was mocking my damn eye colour. The imbecile.

He helps me move to sit on my own bed.

"You looked cozy." He grins a cat-like smile that has me glaring at me.

"We were exhausted," I say, and Avery rummages through his bag and hands me something. It was a bagel. I look up at him in surprise, and he scowls, a red tint on his cheek.

"I thought you all would be hungry." He admits, making me smile at him.

That was incredibly thoughtful.

"Thank you," I say sincerely, and he hands me the bagel with a smile of his own. Abby grumbles profanities under her breath.

"Why are you guys awake and talking so loudly!?" She demands, annoyed before her eyes flit over to my own, and she squeals, making Pan and Chris shoot up in surprise. "VALENTINE!!" She screams and almost jumps on me, but Avery grabs her.

"Oceana is still hospitalized. Don't break all her bones." He gives Abby a look, making her flush in embarrassment.

"Val, are you alright?" Pan asks with a yawn, and I nod.

"Somewhat rejuvenated," I answer, taking a bite from my bagel.

"Honestly, I don't think I've ever met a group with such idiots in it than this one." Tom snarls. We all whip around to stare at the boy. His eyes were hard, and he was gazing at us all like he wouldn't enjoy anything better than cursing us.

𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞 ║Tom Riddle ✔ [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now