Chapter Forty: Visiting the Snake

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"Was it hard?" I ask

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"Was it hard?" I ask.
"Letting go?"

-Lisa Schroeder


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The second I enter the castle, I'm rushing towards the Infirmary.

"Mr. Ollivander!!" I shriek and grab onto the man, waking him up. "Mr. Ollivander! Mr. Ollivander!" I demand.

The man wakes up with a start.

"Ms. Dumbledore?" He asks, and I grin.

"Mrs. Ollivander and your son are home!" I exclaim. The man pales.

"What?" He breathes, making me nod frantically.

"Go!" I clap my hands. He looks at me for a second, before he starts racing to Dippet's office. I follow him, just as excited as he was so he could see his family.

He races up into Dippet's office and then sends me a grin when he sees that I had followed him curiously.

"The Ollivander mansion!" The man states and slams down a bunch of Floo powder before going up in green smoke.

I wait for a second and stare at the floo network in contemplation. I touch the edge of the fireplace, still smiling slightly. My smile dims the second a vision hits.

Mr. Ollivander stands in his house, the green flames dimming around him. There, his wife stood on the floor, whimpering in fear as an older version of Abraxas Malfoy stands over her. His son was lying on the floor, wincing in pain. Deep, blood slashes stood on his chest.

"Unhand my family!!" Mr.Ollivander yells, his wand raising up.

"Not until you give Grindelwald the information he needs." A woman cackles in the corner.

"Never." Ollivander hisses.


I gasp, hearing the woman's screams echo in my ears.

"Are you sure that's what's going to happen? It could be in a couple of years?" Abaddon asks hopefully, and I sigh.

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