2.59 Questing - Killing Production Line

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"That's no fun!"

"It's efficient."

"This should be a hunting trip, but you turned it into a slaughterhouse production line," Eddie protested.

Flora nodded, satisfied.

The Octopussy shot the crabs and ran back into the reach of the Accordion-Golem's hatchets. The golem pulled them towards the Mover, who killed them, then the Golly dissected them. Flora helped out when one of the stations in her killing line was overworked but mainly scrolled through "1000 Homemaker Spells" searching for a crab processing spell.

The glowing piles of loot accumulated in front of the Mover. Flora was too lazy to bend down, so she changed positions with the Octopussy, which had access to her inventory.

"Alright. I'll stop complaining, but I will decide on how we tackle the next quest."

"Deal!" Flora agreed and went back to her reading now that First Mate, Eddie's AI and Octopussy, helped attract more crabs. Eddie fought with a saber and an old-timey pistole. Additionally, he used a grappling hook to pull the Octopussies' crabs to the killing area.


The spell had no effect... "Okay, carapaces don't count as valid targets, how about <Butcher>!"

The spell puffed out on a crab with an intact carapace but worked fine separating the innards and the flesh from one with an already opened shell.

<Salvage: Animals>!

The bones, the shell, the pincers, meat, roe, and gore formed yellow glowing piles and some of the flesh an orange glowing pile. Flora cast Identify on the orange mass.


Quest-Item: Piece of Crab Meat

Quest: Take ten pieces of crab meat to Granny Boba


"Your spell doesn't separate the brown from the white meat," Eddie said. "Both are delicious, but I prefer white meat for salads and brown meat for soup."

"I didn't even know that there was brown crab meat. Let me try again. I can exert a bit of control over the channeled spell."

<Salvage: Animals>!

Now, the three types of meat piles appeared.

"Nice! I'm already drooling. I'll make us some delicious crab cake! What a bummer that it's only D-rated."

Flora pointed at the shore behind Eddie. "You summoned it!" She said with a weak smile.

The nice aspect of the giant crab walking out of the ocean was its bathtub-sized body. All the delicious meat it would contain! Flora concentrated very hard on that aspect because the horrible part, its spider legs, elevated its beady eyes (and delicious body) higher than Flora. She felt pretty neutral about the three-meter long pincers, maybe even a bit appreciating because it brought the limb count up from the execrable eight to ten.

"Come to Papa!" Eddie exclaimed, running to the monster with saliva flying from his mouth, "Come into Papa's frying pan!"

"You are the tank, Mover. Go and save the chef!"

<Transfer STA: Mover>

(Left Hand, channeling) <Lightning Beam>

The Octopussies joined the fight without being asked, the Accordion-Golem had the standing instruction to heal any group members, but the Golly needed her encouragement before it pelted out Ice Bolts.

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