26. The Garage

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"Good morning, Aidan! What are we doing today?"

Flora walked with a spring in her step to her mailbox.

She found an enthusiastic thank-you-letter from Ali Hawks.

Of course, he asked if she could lower the royalties for the SPP collision handling. She agreed to go from 15% to 13% for 2 000 000 Credits and signed the attached contract.

'Those CentralTank lawyers could cut a slice off Ali's toast.'

"Good morning, Milady! May I remind you of acquiring the pupil class or the bullet-points on your ToDo-list?"

"I already have a class. Technically two. I don't want to leave Evailyn."

"You don't have to change your class. You can connect the pupil badge with the champion badge."

"What? How? I believe we have to visit the Cetviwos Academy, anyhow. I'm still totally in the dark. Please remind me, what is missing for the quest to acquire 'Pupil'."

"Completing two more courses or workshops. Jiu-Jitsu or Wing Tsun would count as one of them."

Flora thought about the right sequence of action.

"Maybe we can combine the last course with something on my ToDo-List?"

A Shopping- and Wishlist for the meeting with the lawyers B Experios: experiencing activities from the perspective of experts. B Research the standard HUD settings. B The advantage of having a pet and figure out if you can have machines like toasters as pets. B Research beginner tips, especially recommendation on what you should do shortly after you enter the Metaworld and before you enter the Cradle B- We need a robot arm for Aidan to help out C Find a way to hurt Flora C Find a way to train while doing other stuff C Build a generator C Test if it is really impossible to modify items from the shop D Bully Robby into letting Flora have a spin in a toaster. D Figure out a way to do magic in the training-coffin E The price of stamina potions

"I see the potential for workshops in handling pets, robotics, something helping me with building the generator and a flight course for spaceships. I know a bit about robotics because of the development of household appliances in the last 30 years. But I still don't get how they mesh electronics and magic, although I'm fascinated by it. So, please prioritize this in your search for a suitable course."

"I found a promising workshop, Milady! 'Electronics in Cetviwos for Earthling professionals'! You fulfill the requirement of having an A rating in electronics."

"Good job!"

"There are additional advantages. The Garage organizes the workshop. That's one of the most important factions for crafters in the sector mechanics and electronics. You can acquire valuable blueprints if you have enough reputation with them. And it is the second easiest way to get a pass for the 'Doom Moon'-Scenario."

"Great!" The name of the scenario was vaguely familiar. "Remind me why I wanted to do this scenario."

"It is possible to salvage tier 1 materials in it, especially robot parts."

Next, Flora and Aidan scheduled the tasks for the day.

Flora rolled her eyes, seeing that they planed every free minute until 22:00. Thankfully one of the activities was taking a nap.

First, she beamed to the clan Riverstones HQ to print three more treasure chest 3x3x3m containers. Flora attended enough fairs to know that the second worst thing was, not to have enough room to stash all the freebies. The worst thing that could happen was not to get any offered.

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